Idiot Savants

Host: Greg Fitzsimmons

Premise: Four challengers answer questions in an attempt to win the weekly grand prize.

Rules: The game consists of four challengers that are on the show for the whole week. The host asks a question of the players. Whoever is correct gets the first choice of eight topics previously selected by the players. The first question in the topic is worth 100 points to whoever is correct. There are no penalties for incorrect answers. The player that got the 100 point question tried a 200 point question. If that player was incorrect, any other player could try. Whoever got the 200 point bonus question was given the option of trying the Big Gamble Question. The big gamble is worth 300 points, but 300 points were deducted for an incorrect response, and other players could try with the same rules. Whoever gave the last correct answer chose the next topic. After round one, the low scoring player is exiled to the "Dunce’s Corner" while the remaining players compete.

Round Two
In round two, all point values are doubled, the Brain chooses the categories, and the Dunce can answer questions that the remaining players missed. At the end of the second roundr, the two top scorers moved on to the Brainstorm.

The Brainstorm
In this round, the contestants have 60 seconds to answer 200 point questions from a single category, and 200 points are lost for incorrect answers. The top scorer moves on to the Savant Round.

Grand Savant Round
In the bonus round, the daily winner has 45 seconds to answer 10 questions in a subject of the players’ choosing. Each question answered correctly earns the player 200 points, and getting all ten won the player a bonus prize.

Friday Finals
The Friday show had the players competing with their combined scores over the past four days. All point values are doubled, and the low scorer after each round is eliminated, with no Dunce. Instead of the Brainstorm, the two finalists are given 60 seconds to answer questions from their Savant subject for 1000 points each. After this round, the high scorer becomes the champion, and wins the grand prize, usually a trip.