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An open letter to all "Star Wars" fans:

We are, or should I say were, enormous George Lucas Fans. For God's sake, my second son's name is Anakin. However, we believe we have what could be considered irrefutable proof that George Lucas stole the "Star Wars" trilogy screenplay from an earlier filmmaker, someone whose identity, at least to us, is still a mystery.

On an Easter trip to Key West, my brother and I were driving through North Carolina, near the Tennessee border, scouting a place to camp for the night. We came across a firewood salesman and stopped to stock up. After loading the firewood into the truck, the old man invited Scott (my brother) and I into his house to look at some old rifles (Scott collects antique firearms).

Once inside, Scott and I were both surprised and thrilled to see all of the wonderful stuff the old man had scattered around his house. I quickly asked him if any of it was for sale; he pointed to two shoeboxes filled with junk. I bought one, Scott bought the other. $5 a piece, I think it was.

In my box, I found an old roll of film, which the Kodak Company has since dated between 1935 and 1939 (by the stock model of the film). I had a friend of mine transfer the film onto VHS and, when I popped it in, I literally collaped. There are no words to describe this footage: an early version of what is undeniably "Star Wars" material.

If not George Lucas, then who really created the "Star Wars" universe? George Lucas is certainly a hack and must be brought to justice. Any information regarding this footage must be brought to light.

--Jim Gimble

just some of the recently discovered footage (5 min 30 sec quicktime available)