
OxYdiSer's Anarchy page

The ULTIMATE one stop site for all of your anarchial needs
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Due to other commitments (namely workin' at Chicken Shit, projects like the potato gun and the AP explosives, the "garden" over my neighbour's fence, trying to get my fucking p plates and the fact that I am starting uni next year) this historical piece of HTML will from now on be rarely updated. This page will stand as an eternal monument to all future generations of anarchists around the world. I have placed an edited version of my favourite text, along with the other texts and all that other sloppy bullshit. Digest, invest and incest, if you know what's good for you, you peon mutherfuckers...... NB. As much as I wish that I did, I did not write this. Despite of that, I still think this text is the true guide to life. Don't listen to your emotions. The only emotions that make a difference are anger and hate. Don't believe in shit. Who ever wrote this knew what he was talking about.

Anarchy's Guide to Life

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Well, welcome to my guide to life. First off, life sucks. It has its good points, but if you look at it as a whole, it sucks. You need to know a few things to get through it, and I'm here to provide you with that information. Well, there are gonna be some things in here that you may not like hearing. And this text will probably be on television sometime, possibly being called bad or evil, but everything in this text is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH AS I KNOW IT. It may not be what everyone tells you, or discusses with you, but it IS THE TRUTH AS I KNOW IT. Believe it if you want, however, as I also believe in complete freedom of thought and information.


Chapter 2 - Cheating

Have your parents told you "Cheaters never win..."? Well, they almost always win. And they'll end up getting better grades than non-cheaters, leading to better jobs, and helping them gain things that those who do not cheat might never afford. They'll have better cars, better homes, more money, and perhaps many other things. Do yourself a favor and cheat. Cheat on tests, of every kind, and do not get caught, and you will be much better off because of it. Some good advice though: If you score over 90% on a test, there's no need to cheat. And if you're going to cheat, start small, and do what works, because if you get caught, you're dead.

Chapter 3 - Education

School: Does it suck? Of course it sucks. The whole system isn't working and yet it's still being labeled as being "not screwed-up enough" to fix. Well, the only real education you need is the one you get from experience. Yeah, that's right, good old fashioned experience. Go through something enough times and you'll learn to deal with it, or even use it to your best advantage. This is why lab experiments and hands-on training are the most important parts of a persons education. If you learn only through textbooks and lectures, you'll never learn anything that'll really help you, and you might even become so bored that you'll forever dislike the subject you're learning about. A good thing to do is when you get bored of a subject, ask the person teaching you about it, nicely, when you're going to need that subject when you get older. You may actually get a very nice response. If you don't (like an answer that includes something like 'if you go into the field of...') tell the teacher you won't be going into that field, or any like it, and ask if you can sleep or leave during that subject's teaching.

Chapter 4 - Money

Money is everything. If you examine it closely, you can buy anything with it including love. I believe I'll be asked to explain this, so I'll do that now. You use money to go out with people, to buy them things (that might "show your affection"), to pay for your actions that prove your love, to pay for your wedding, engagement rings, anniversary presents, etc... Money is good for everything. The problem is that it's usually very hard to legally get money. You could work, and that's not what I meant was hard. The hard part is trying to find a decently paying job that you like, or even can tolerate. Most of all people who work dislike their jobs, but do them anyway because they've had a lot of trouble finding a job before and don't want to be unemployed. Some good ways to get money are to collect things that are worth a small amount of money and selling them when they become very popular, to sell old toys and objects you no longer need or use anymore. Toys are usually good for this, as are books, but don't rule out anything.

Chapter 5 - Freedom

You are not free. If you were free, you wouldn't have to go to school, or do anything that you, as a free-minded individual, do not want to do. You are forced to learn little or nothing significant every day on the news and in the newspapers. You are not free to carry a weapon without a license. If you go to Rat Shack (A.K.A. Radio Shack) they'll ask for your name and address and a lot of other information, except if you try to buy things that could be used to commit a crime, they probably won't sell them to you, or use the information to help convict you of a crime. A lot of people double-park, but it's still illegal. If someone tries to hurt you, and you hurt them before they can hurt you, you could go to jail and they could go free. You are not free.

Chapter 6 - Fear

The best motivation and only true motivation is fear. People are afraid of many things in life, and it always affects the way they live and act. People tend not to sit next to people they think are suspicious in public places. If you dress differently than the rest of society, or act strangely, people will tend to be afraid of you. If you are repeatedly bothered by a specific type of person, whether it's their race, color, number of appendages, you will act differently towards that type of person. As a child, parents will attempt to rid you of fear, telling you that you have nothing to worry about, and that they'll protect you. But they are wrong. They cannot protect you. Your local police cannot protect you. You are the only person who can protect YOU. You should fear your police, your government, and anyone else who has some effect on how your life is run besides you.

Chapter 7 - The Media

Hey, take a guess at who controls your mind. That's right, the media. Not really books, or magazines even, but those whose job it is to tell you the news. Newspapers, Radio shows, and Television are all affecting the way you think. If you watch the news, then you will believe the news unless you take a stand and realize that news programs want you to watch them. They give you what you want, and they show you what you want to see. If you want to see less violence in society, then that's what they will show you. If you are hearing a lot about technology, then they will do a story on technology, and offer a viewpoint or information about technology that you will think only they have. In a news report about software piracy, the only person they questioned to have both his voice changed AND his face blacked out was put in jail for one and a half years, for "hacking"..???? What the hell does hacking have to do with piracy? Is this supposed to make him an authority, on something he has know idea about? The media is ignorant and manipulative.

Chapter 8 - Wake up

In case you don't know it, all niceties in society are lies. There is no Santa Claus, and there is no Easter Bunny. There is no savior and there is no cure. Society is breaking down, and instead of working to rebuild it, the smart are protecting themselves from it, and the weak are constantly pumping an illusion of peace into society. Arm yourself. Arm yourself and learn about survival and protection. And protect yourself, and those you love, because society IS going to come down.

Chapter 9 - Speak free

Be vulgar. Go ahead and say those words which were formally or are still not acceptable to come out of your mouth. Release the built up tension, and the long lost animality, and be vulgar. Learn your rights, and push, push, push them to their limits, and then build new limits. You must do this or your rights will slowly and quietly be taken away from you.

Chapter 10 - Justice

Justice does not exist in today's society. No matter how much you work at something, you'll always be run-over by someone who worked less to get more, through the ignoring of rules, and laws. If you want something, take it. You can buy it, but if you deserve it, and you cannot gain it any other way, then take it. Our government is not working. Don't spend your life trying to make it better, because it won't work. Either work around it, or work to destroy it, but feeble attempts to change government (which is now a self-feeding monster) will not work. You will fail. It used to work with us, the people, but it does not. It does not need us to survive, and if we get in it's way, it will trample on us.

Chapter 11 - Fun

Y'know what's fun? Violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, and vandalism. Go out, get some drugs or alcohol, and mess up your mind. It feels good. Or be a bit more safe and commit acts of violence or vandalism. Do you go to school? Well, go to an "Animal Rights"-type club and eat hot dogs. Rip down posters, and draw pentagrams all over the place. Erase stuff on other peoples' computers. Go into stores and unplug, misplace, and break things. Call up as many phone numbers as you can and prank them. When people ask you questions, give them wrong answers, and when they ask how you got that answer, or why, tell them "Satan told me" or "The voices in my head tell me to kill". Call every single company you come across and ask for free things. Spend their money. If they refuse, tell them that they suck, and you won't buy anything else from them. And of course, for the greatest fun, have lots and lots of sex. But protect yourself. After all, no one cares about you, but you.

Chapter 12 - Death

We all will die someday, and when we do, it will be a dark, lonely, and cold time. We all die alone, and if you think you're going to be saved, or brought to "heaven" or a utopia, you can forget about it. If heaven existed, then why would the Pope want a bullet-proof car with bodyguards surrounding it? Is he afraid to die, and go to HEAVEN??? What the hell is wrong with this society? Wake up! You will die eventually (unless SCIENCE saves you) and you will join your ancestors, in a hole in the ground. But if your life is so bad that you'd rather not live, then don't get your head filled with lies about trying to find jesus, or smelling the roses. Kill yourself.

As a last editing, I will tell all you little anarchists out there how to make the easiest explosive in the world. All you need is:

  • 150 mL of acetone (get 4L of acetone from Mitre 10 for about $25)
  • 200 mL of 6% hydrogen peroxide (any chemist sells 100mL peroxide for about $3.50)
  • 50 mL of 30% hydrochloric acid (Get the acid from Mitre 10)
  • Combine these ingredients in a large glass jar and stir them for about 3 min Put this red solution into the fridge for 3 days. After the three days there should be a substantial about of yellow crystals on the bottom of the glass jar. Filter these crystals out with a coffee filter and let them dry. You have just manufactured acetone peroxide, whick is an extremely sensitive explosive. Pour this shit into a matchbox and add a sparkler as a fuse. This recipie provides endless hours of fun.

    Anarchy Texts

    Essential anarchial equipment
    The anarchy manual
    Miscellaneous anarchy
    Fun in the outdoors / Fun at camp
    20 tools of terror and havok - What you should have in an Anarchy bag
    40 ways to sabotage your School
    83 ways to trash your School
    Basic trashing manual - Good fun
    Easy everyday anarchy

    How to make themite
    Basic Bic-Lighter bomb
    Basic Aerosol can bomb
    Pyrotechnics in the home
    Potato guns - The best fun in the Summer holidays
    Potato guns 2
    Easy film canister bombs

    The art of shoplifting
    How to steal from Department stores
    A guide to shoplifting
    Stealing - A story on what benifits it can reap
    Making cash anarchy style

    Dealing with the Feds if you get caught
    A concise guide to forgetting how much you suck - From the Cult of the Dead Cow
    Anarchy morals and methods
    How to kick someone's ass
    How to kill someone's ass
    Anarchist's guide to life
    Guide to hypnotism

    Or all of the above files in a zip format ( all of )

    Anarchy Cookbooks

    Steal this book

    A very extensive guide to stealing stuff and getting stuff for free

    Anarchist's Home Companion

    An awesome mixture of anarchial theories and methods. Highly recommended

    Make 'em pay - Revenge Tactics

    As the title says, this cookbook is all about sweet, sweet revenge

    Makeshift Arsenal - Homemade weapons

    If you only get one text on this page, download this one. Sweet cookbook that includes instructions on how to make weapons out of stuff around the house

    Hacking/Phreaking Texts

    Beginner Hacking Texts

    Containing the following:

    OxYdiSer's Texts

    Do you honestly think I can be fucked?

    Phatty-Boom-Batty Links

    Jay and Silent Bob - My comic heros (Fly Fatass, Fly!)
    The Avengers Frontpage - A very big HTML file all on revenge
    A hate site for my school
    Parazite Files - The Ultimate anarchy file page - Bitchass dreadlock page
    Getright - A handy little app that allows you to resume downloads
