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My Adkins Family

THOMAS ADKINS was born in 1760 in Ninety-Six, South Carolina. It was changed to Laurence District. Some say he was born in Camden Distict,South Carolina, but I am using his own words he stated on his application for pension, Ruthy was born in 1759 in South Carolina. We know neither Thomas or Ruthy's parents. Thomas and Ruthy were married 1st January 1782 in Laurence District, South Carolina, by John Montgomery. Some say all their children were born in South Carolina, but Thomas stated,again on his application for pension, that they moved to Tennessee then later to Whitley County Kentucky where he had lived for the last 25 or 30 years,which would have been 1803 or 1808 when he moved. He applied for pension 21 of October 1833. He was a farmer in Whitley County Kentucky and owned over two hundred acres of land on Cane Creek. He entered the Revolutionary War when he was only seventeen years old and was captured and held prisoner by the British for six months then made his escape. Not much is known about this man. Thomas died 5 August 1845 in Whitley County Kentucky and Ruthy died 11 August 1853 in Whitley County Kentucky. Ruthy applied for Thomas' pension after he died, due to an act of congress passed the 17th of June 1844 and 2nd. February 1848 granting pensions to widows of persons who served during the Revolutionary War. She applied 18th day of May 1853 and died 11 August 1853. After she died the children applied for his pension, but as far as we know they never got it. Ruthy was 94 years old when she died. Burgess Siler lived about one half mile from them and took their measurements when they died and made their casets. To this union, eight children were born.
1.Thomas Adkins B.1760 D.1845
__Wife Ruthy (Lynch) Adkins B.1759 D.1853
__2.Jeremiah Adkins born 1785 in South Carolina. His first wife is unknown. He married Valentine Ballen Duncan the 2nd. time.
__3.Thomas Jr. Adkins Born 1786 in South Carolina. He married Alcy?
__4.David Adkins born 29 July 1792 in South Carolina. He married Susannah Beams. He died between 1827 and 1854.
__5.Margaret Adkins born 1798 in South Carolina. She married Daniel Pitery.
__6.Jessee Adkins born in 1803 where is unknown. He died between 1827 and 1854.
__7.Sarah (Sally) Adkins born 1804 where is unknown. She was married to a Pitery.
__8.Abner Adkins born in 1805 probably in Whitley County Kentucky. He married Malinda Mahan the 31 of October 1824. He died between 1827 and 1854.
__9.Luke Adkins born 1808 probably in Whitley County Kentucky. He married Sarah (Sally) Woolsey 11 of February 1838. He was living in Edmonson County Kentucky in December of 1854.
JEREMIAH ADKINS, Jerry, as he was known to his family and friends, was the son of Thomas Adkins and Ruthy lynch. He was born in 1785 in South Carolina. His family moved to Tennessee before moving on to Whitley County Kentuckybetween 1803 and 1808. He was a Farmer and Blacksmith all his life. He inherited fifty three acres of land on Cane Creek in Whitley County Kentucky when his father died. He was married at least twice,his first wife still remains a mystery to us. We know she had at least seven children. We do not know if they divorced or she died, but I would say she died between 1836 when her last child was born and 1840 when Jerry marrried Valentine Ballen Duncan. Jerry and Vally raised a large family. They had at least eight children. Jerry was twenty eight years older than Vally according to the 1850 census. He owned three hundred acres of land on the Cumberland River in Whitley County Kentucky, known as the Rhodes place, when he died 25 August 1854 in Whitley County. He is buried in the Kiswick Cemetary in Whitley County. On the 2nd. day of September 1859, in Whitley Circuit Court, came the case of Lewis Adkins, Plaintiff, against Elijah Adkins and other defendants in which decree the said Gillip was made said Courts Commissioner in said case doth hereby uphold,part,conevy,and transfer to the said Lewis Adkins and his heirs forever all the rights,title,interest and claims of the said Elijah Adkins and the other defendants in said suit as heirs of the late Jeremiah Adkins, deceased. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Whitley and the state of Kentucky, on the Cumberland River and known conveyed to the late Jeremiah Adkins by Adehsin Williams, a Commisioner of the Whitley Circuit Court in the case of said Jeremiah Adkins against Charles Gattiff and others, under date of deceased 25th day of August 1854 to have and to hold to the said Lewis Adkins and his heirs or assigns the said tract or parcel of land forever free from the claim or claims of the six defendants, heirs of the late Jeremiah Adkins deceased aforesaid. Elijah Adkins, Joseph Adkins, Christy B. Adkins, Jess Adkins, Ruth Siler, Paulina Adkins, Nancy Adkins, Julia Adkins, Louisa Adkins and their heirs forever. In witness where of I have here unto set my hand as Commissioner of said Court this second day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine. Jerry and his first wife had at least seven childen.
2.Jeremiah Adkins B.1785 D.1859
__Wife 1 ?
__Wife 2 Valentine Ballen Duncan B.1811 D.?
__10.Ruth Adkins born 1815 in Knox County, Kentucky which was later changed to Whitley County. She married Wilmer Siler.
__11.Elijah F. Adkins Born 1817 in Knox County, Kentucky and he married Amanda Barton Sexton.
__12.Christopher Bordon Adkins Born March 23, in Whitley County, Kentucky. He died August 28,1899 in Davis City, Iowa.
__13.George Washington Adkins Born 1823 in Whitley County, Kentucky.
__14.Lewis Adkins B.1825 in Whitley County, Kentucky. He married Polly Ann (Mary) McCarty and Margaret Mays.
__15.Larkin Adkins Born 1834 in Whitley County, Kentucky
__16.Elizabeth Adkins Born 1836 in Whitley County, Kentucky. One source states she died September 16, 1859 and another says September 11, 1860.
__Children of Valentine Duncan and Jeremiah Adkins
__17.Caroline Adkins Born 1843
__18.Thomas J. Adkins Born 1845 Married Orilla Patnal January 28, 1882.
__19.Nancy Adkins Born 1848 Married Robin Rains October 18, 1864.
__20.Jesse Adkins Born 1849 Married Charity ?
__21.Joseph Adkins Born 1850
__22.Julia Adkins Born 1852
__23.Pauline Adkins Born 1853 Married John Klein May 29, 1882. John was born in Scotland.
__24 Louisa Adkins Born July 3, 1854
10.Ruth Adkins Born 1815 in Knox County, Kentucky which was later changed to Whitley County, Kentucky. She married Wilmer Silar and he was born 1814 in Knox County, Kentucky. He was the sone of William Silar, MG. and Nancy Teague. Rutha is buried in Kiswick Cemetary in Adkins Lot in Whitley County, Kentucky. Wilmer died March 31, 1855. They had the following children.
__25.Calvin Silar Born 1834 Died 1862 Married Charlotte Bennett who was born in 1836. No children are known at this time. Calvin fought in the Civil War on the Union side and was in Company A. 8th Kentucky Regiment and was killed in the Battle of Dobbins Ferry on December 9, 1862.
__26.Sarah Silar Born 1837 Died 1893 Married Adam Pitery on September 25, 1855. Adam was born in 1837. It is said that they had eight children but, non are documented.
__27.Martha Silar Born 1845 Married John Brim who was born 1837
11.Elijah F. Adkins Born 1817 in Knox County, Kentucky. He married Perlina McCarty the daughter of Nancy McCarty. Perlina was born in 1823 and died January 31, 1859 from T.B. They had the following children.
--28.James M. Adkins born 1842. He married Cynthis Galliff. James died in Oklahoma.
___29.Elizabeth E. Adkins Born 1844 Twin to William
___30.William S. Adkins Born 1844 Twin to Elizabeth
___31.Malinda Adkins Born February 14, 1853.
___32.Amanda M.Adkins Born 1854 Died 1927 Married Quincy A. Gray on March 20, 1873. Amanda died April 28, 1927 in Corbin, Kentucky in Whitley County.
___33.Perlina Adkins Born 1855
___34.Nancy J. Adkins Born 1857
11.Elijah F. Adkins married Amanda Barton Sexton after Perlina McCarty died . They were married on October 28, 1869. Amanda had been married to a Sexton before marrying Elijah. Amanda children are the following.
___35.Alexander Sexton Born 1851
___36.A.B.Sexton Born 1854
___37.Susan Sexton Born 1859
Elijah and Amanda had the following Children.
___38.Laura Adkins Born 1870 Married a Worley
___39.Charles F. Adkins Born 1872 Married Rachael Smith
--32. Amanda M. Adkins daughter of Elijah and Paulina McCarty was born February 14, 1854 in Whitley County, Kentucky. She married Quincy A. Gray March 20, 1873. Quincy was born September 28, 1851 in Whitley County, Kentucky. Quincy died July 8, 1886 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Amanda married a Bishop after Quincy died. Amanda and Quincy had one daughter. ---Ada Gilliam born June 15, 1914 in Corbin, Kentucky in Knox County. She married Bruce V. Williams and he was born May 9, 1914 in Madison County, Kentucky. They were married on November 7, 1940 in Pineville, Kentucky in Bell County. They lived in Williamsburg, Kentucky. Ada is a member of the DAR. It is unknown if they had children.
12--CHRISTOPHER BORDON ADKINS--Christy, as he was called by family and friends,especially his father, was the son of Jeremiah Adkins and (his mother is unknown to us), was born 23 of March 1821 in Whitley County Kentucky. He married Elizabeth Jane Martin 10 February 1842 in Campbell County Tennessee, by Mathew Douglas Justice of the Peace. He was a blacksmith,farmer and stockbreeder. He fought in the Mexican war, entering the 5th day of October 1847 and was honorably discharged the 21st. day of July 1848 at Louisville, Kentucky. He served nine mmonths and sixteen days as a private in Company K of Captain A.F. Coldwell in the 3rd. Regiment of the Kentucky Volunteers. He did not fight in any real battles, but was sent to the City of Mexico and stayed there until he was sent to Louisville, Kentucky where he received his discharge. He went to Whitley County Kentucky and lived for awhile. He applied for a bounty land claim, which had been passed 11 February 1847, prior to his entering the service. He received a letter from the Pension Office, dated 19 March 1849, to notify him that his claim had been allowed and he would receive further information in due time. He arrived in Decatur County Iowa in Spetember 1850 where he had received one hundred and sixty acres of bounty land. He lived in Davis City, Iowa for six months settling on Grand River then moved to Harrrison County Missouri where he lived for many years. This man was 5 feet 10 inches tall, had dark complexion, hazel eyes and black hair. He fought in the State Malitia in Missouri during the war of 1861. He applied for a pension from the Mexican War 18 October 1887 in Davis City, Iowa in Decatur County where he received his mail, but he lived in Harrison County Missouri and had for many years, per his own statement on applicatiobn for pension. The act was passed 29 January 1887 for the survivors of the Mexican War to draw a pension. Christopher was to draw $8.00 a month commencing 29 January 1887. He drew it until he died 28 August 1899. He acquired over twelve hundred acres of land in Decatur County Iowa, Harrison County Missouri and Mercer County Missouri. He was a breeder of fine Percheron Horses and had no trouble finding mrket for thim. He was also a farmer and raised the usual crops. He gave his daughter Mary Belle one hundred and sixty acres of land in May 1898, not too long before he died. His estate was settled in 1906. There is hardly anything known about his wife Elizabeth Jane Martin. They had six Children.
__40.Smantha Jane, born 1844 in Whitley Couty Kentucky.She married William Woodard in 1866. She died 23 December 1916
__41.Jeremiah M (Jerry-George), born 4 July 1849 in Whitley County Kentucky. He married Celia Ann Booth in 1871. He died 22 May 1909 in Lindley, Missouri and is buried in the Fairview Cemetary in Harrison County Missouri.
__42.Mary Belle, born 30 July 1852 in Harrison County Missouri. She married Thomas Rains the 1st. of December 1872. She died 15 December 1915 in Davis City, Iowa and is buried in the Hamilton Cemetary.
__43.James Buchanan, Born 11 December 1857 in Harrison County Missouri. He married Nancy Emma Gilpin 25 of December 1880. He died 7 of March 1904 in Decatur County Iowa and is buried in the Hamilton Cemetary.
__44.Peter Cain, born 27 of October 1860 in Harrison County Missouri. He married Ida Kate Hime. He died 11 of January 1901 in Harrison County Missouri and is buried in the Hamilton Cemetary.
__45.Louisa, born 1865 in Harrison County Missouri. Died 3rd of April 1867. Buried in Hamilton Cemetary, Near Pleasanton, Iowa in Decatur County.
--41 Jeremiah M. Adkins (Jerry or George) was the sone of Christopher Borden Adkins and Elizabeth Jane Martin. He was born on July 4, 1849 in Whitley County, Kentucky and moved with his parents to Decatur County, Iowa then later to Harrison County, Missouri. Celia is the daughter of Anderville Booth and Mary Ann Robertson. She was born July 22, 1852 in Mercer County Missouri. They were married in about 1869.Jerry died on May 22, 1909 at his home. He and Celia are buried in the Fairview Cemetary in Harrison County, Missouri. They had the following Children.
--46. Christpher Borden Adkins Born January 26, 1870. He married Mary Viola Snow and Bertha Elizabeth Houk. He died September 23, 1939 in Blackwell, Oklahoma, Kay County.
--47. Cora Alberta born 1877 and is married to Charles Harrison.
--48. Anderville Adkins born Decmber 1,1878 and married Clara Rains.
--49. Nellie Mae born December 1,1882 and married Jacob T. Butcher and Charles Treasure.
--50. Ethel born June 15,1886 and died April 26, 1905.
--51. Grover Cleveland born September 30, 1888 and married Grace M. Roe June 6, 1928. He died June 1958 in Bush Colorado.
--52. Olis Austin born May 6, 1892 and he married Alta Stacy July 4,1914 and he Died April 27, 1962 in Princeton Missouri.
--46. Christopher Bordon Adkins born January 26, 1870 Married Mary Viola Snow in 1890 probably in Mercer County Missouri. She is the daughter of Jane Woodard Snow and Alfred Snow. Mary died August 3,1911 in Mercer County Missouri.Their children were as follows.
--53. Lula Mae born August 1892 and she Married Hiram Mastin. She died February 1983 in Mountan Home Arkansas.
--54. Bertha born July 1893 and she died in 1902 from Typhoid fever.
--55. Minnie born December 10,1895. She married William F. Campbell. She died February 1998 in Princeton Missouri.
--56. Offie born February 1899. She died in 1902 at the age of 3 from Typhoid Fever.
--57. William born 1903. He died in 1922 at the age of 19 in Australia.
--58. Ray born February 12,1905. He married Ethel ?. He died in March 1984.
--46.Christopher Bordon Adkins after the death of Mary Viola Snow he married Bertha Elizabeth Houk. She was the daughter of Christopher Houk and Irene Clark. She was previously married to Arthue Norcross the 27 of July 1902 and they had one son. She married Christopher on October 11, 1913 in the town of Princeton Missouri. Bertha died February 14, 1936 in Blackwell Oklahoma and Christopher died Sptember 23, 1939 in Blackwell Oklahoma. Their children were as follows.
--59. Clarence Lee birn October 12, 1915 in Princeton Missouri and Died August 9,1994 in Kennewick.
--60. Nola Bernice botn February 14, 1917 in Kansas and she died September 4 1980 in Blackwell Oklahoma.
--61. Edward Dee born April 6, 1918 in Wormer Kansas and he died April 16, 1982 in Witchita Kansas.
--62. Genevieve Virginia born January 14, 1920.
--63. Helen Marie born January 21, 1922 in Whiz Bang Oklahoma. She died May 16, 1991 in Texas.
--64.Wayne Harold born January 25, 1924 in Caw City, Oklahoma. He died August 20, 1984 in New Orleans Louisiana.
--65. Goldie Belle born September 4, 1925 in Three Sands Oklahoma.
--66. Glen Berden born August 1926 in Blackwell, Oklahoma and he died April 17, 1991 in Davenport Iowa.
--53.Lula mae Adkins born 1892 in Missouri. She married Hiram Mastin in 1910. Hiram died in 1959 and she died in 1983. The had he following children.
--67. Katie Mildred born 1911 and she Married Jim Sherod and Ed Klassert.
--68. Elmer Ray born 1912 and married Livica?
--69. Alberta born 1914 and she married Dawes Jackson.
--70. James born 1915. First marriage unknown. Second marrieage was to Ava?
--71. Oda Shirlene born 1918 and she married Willie Hodge and Earle Jansen.
--72. Lorene Margaret Born? She married Charles Harper and Don Vestal.
--73. Betty born ? Married ? Boone and David Kaiser and Cletus Teel.
--74. Cora Mae born ? She married Bud Harper.
--67. Katie Mildred born 1911 Married Jim Sherod and then Ed Klassert. She and Jim had the following children. --75. Ralph Sherod has a wife and 3 children but names and dates are unknown.
--76. Jean Sherod married a Winner and they had 3 children names and dates unknown. Winner died in 1992
--68. Elmer Ray Mastin was born in 1912 and he married Livica and had four children names unknown. Elmer died before 1993.
--69. Alberta Mastin was born 1912. She married Dawes Jackson and the had one child name unknown. Alberta died before 1993.
--71. Oda Mastin born 1918 married Willie Hodge and they had two children names unknown. Her second husban Earle Jansen and her had no children.
--72. Lorene Margaret Mastin and her first husband Charles Harper had five children names unknown and her and her second husband Don Vestal had no children
--73. Betty Mastin married a Boone and they had two children names unknown. Her second marriage was to David Kaiser and they had one child name unknown. Her third was to Cletus Teel and they had no children. Betty died in 1989.
--74. Cora Mastin Married Bud Harper and they had five children names unknown.
--55. Minnie Adkins born December 10, 1895 Married William Fletcher Campbell in 1914 in Mercer County Missouri. William was the son of John Campbell and Hilah Jane Brown. He was born April 7, 1894. William died August 27, 1968 in Mercer County Missouri and Minnie Died February 1998 in Mercer County. They had the following children.
--75 Ruth born 1915 and Married Robert Finis Anderson.
--76. Hilah born 1918 and she married Herman Diers.
--77. William born 1930 and he married Norma Hamilton
--75. Ruth Campbell born 1915 Married Robert Finis Anderson and the had the following children.
--78. Robert
--79. Lawrence
--80. Nancy. Married Larry Teeter
--81.Elizabeth. Married ? Woody. She is deceased.
--76. Hilah Campbell born 1918 and she married Herman Diers and they had three children.
--82. Paricia
--83. William
--84. Carol Ann
--77. William Campbell born 1930 in Mercer County married Norma Hamilton and they had two children.
--85. William Richard in 1993 he was single and living in Princeton Missouri.
--86. Leslie married Mathew Powell and they had one child.
--87. Morgan Patricia
--58. Ray Adkins born February 12, 1905 married Ethel ? They had four children. Ray had a career in the military. He died in march 1984. The had the following children.
--88. Doug
--89. David
--90. Yvonne. She married M.B. Camp
--91. Donna. She had twins and lives in Oklahoma
--46. Christopher Bordon Adkins Married Bertha Elizabeth Houk and she had one son when the got married. --92. Gene Norcross son of Arthur Norcros and Bertha Elizabeth Houk born January 11, 1909 and died before August 20, 1984. He had one son name unknown.
--59. Clarence Lee Adkins (Chief) born October 12,1915 in Princeton Missouri and died August 9, 1994. He married Helen Miona Bartram born 23 of June 1921 in Corvallis Oregon. Clarence was married before her name unknown they had one child.
--93 Cheryl Adkins born about 1945 and was married to a Follis. She remarried a Doug Krinke. Cheryl and Follis's children are as follows.
--94. Kevin Follis deceased
--95. Brad Follis
--96. Sheri Follis
--97. Kelly Follis
--59. Clarence Lee Adkins and Helen Miona Bartram's children are as follows.
--98. Janice Marie Adkins born October 13, 1949 married Robert William Anheluk born March 5, 1945.They were married January 2, 1971 in Benton City Washington. Their children are as follows.
--99. Sandra Jean born March 31, 1972.
--100. Jeffrey Robert born September 10, 1974.
--101. Jaime Marie born January 27, 1977
--102. Kay Janeane born May 29, 1953 Married Edward Raymen born Spetember 1,1951. They were married August 29, 1970. They had the following children.
--103. Shelly Lynn born March 21, 1971.
--104. Poppi Renee born November 21, 1972
--105. Casey Lee born June 23, 1978.
--99. Sandra Jean Anheluk born March 31, 1972 in Richland Washington, Married Eric Martin May 14, 1994. Eric was born December 31, 1973. They have the following children.
--106. Shaylee Crystal Anheluk born May 18, 1990
--107. McCala Nichole Martin born October 31, 1994.
--108. Zachery Martin born February 16, 1996
--101. Jaime Marie Anheluk born January 27, 1977 married Jeremiah Johnson born July 7, 1973. They have the following children.
--109. Jessa Marie born May 18, 1997
--110. Jaylynn Michele born June 18, 1998.
--103 Shelly Lynn Raymen born March 21, 1971 married a Peterson. They are devorced. She has two children. --111. Madison K. Raymen born April 28, 1992
--112. Seira
--104 Poppi Renee Raymen born November 21, 1972. She has one child.
--113. Hunter Jacob Vickerman born August 12, 1994
--60 Nola Adkins born February 14, 1917 in Kansas. She married Gael Wunderlich son of George Wunderlich born in Oklahoma. They were married the 31 of December 1933 in Blackwell Oklahoma. Gael died Sptember 26, 1962 and Nola died September 4, 1980. They had the following children.
--114. Carl Lee born 1940
--115. Larry born 1942
--116. Donald Roy born 1944. He is a twin to Ronald Roy.
--117. Ronald Ray born 1944. He is the twin to Donald Ray. He died at 2 months old in 1944.
--62. Genevieve Virginia Adkins born January 14,1920. She married a Stafford in Oklahoma in September 1939. When he died she married Paul O'Grady. Genevieve and the Stafford had one child
--118. Pat Stafford
--63. Helen Marie Adkins born January 21, 1922 in Whiz Bang Oklahoma. She married William Goodner Deptember 4, 1938 in Oklahoma City, OKLAHoma. They had three children. They divorced March 28, 1949 and then she married Lee Dorn Walsh April 1, 1949. lee was born April 24, 1918 and died January 1, 1986. Helen died May 16, 1991. They had one child.
--119. William Woodard Jr. born November 27, 1939 and he died January 10, 1985.
--120. Gerald Lee born December 18, 1941 twin to Geraldine Marie.
--121. Geraldine Marie born December 18, 1941 twin to Gerald Lee.
--122. Richard Lee Walsh born October 15, 1951.
--121. Geraldine Marie Goodner born December 18, 1941 married Jackie Dean Tidwell and they had three children.
--123 Tina Helene born November 13, 1960 and married and Oakley.
--124. Phillip Dean born July 10, 1963.
--125. Angela Marie born January 20, 1966 and she maried a Ward.
--64. Wayne Harold Adkins (Little Chief or Chief) born January 25, 1924 in Caw City Oklahoma married Willie Alletha Selph on October 3,1944 in Winfield Kansas. She was born August 11,1922 in Davis Oklahoma. Wayne was in the U.S. Navy for 4 1/2 years during world war 11. He passed away August 20, 1984 and is buried in the Hope Haven Cemetery in Gonzales Louisiana. Willie and Wayne had five children.
--126. Donald Ray born April 4, 1946.
--127. Carol Lee born August 1, 1948.
--128. Linda Kay born September 26, 1950
--129. Sharon Ann born December 9, 1953
--130. Connie Jean born August 22, 1960.
--126. Donald Ray Adkins (Little Chief) was born April 4, 1946. He married Mary Davis and they had four children. His second marriage was to Kathleen Ann Wilson on May 28, 1994. His children are as follows.
--131. Stacy Lynn born July 5, 1970
--132. Wyndie Sue born October 28, 1975
--133. Patrick Shane born December 21, 1976
--134. Kimberly Dawn born July 28, 1978
--131. Stacy Lynn born July 5, 1970 married Robert Causey. Her children are as follows.
--135. Kristy Dawn Causey born January 2, 1987
--136. Cody Shane Adkins born December 8, 1996
--137. Brandon Wayne Adkins born June 17, 1995
--132. Wyndie born October 28, 1975 married Richard Chifici and they have two children.
--138. Alexia Ann born April 30, 1995.
--139. Seth Richard born July 26,1997
--133. Patrick Shane born December 21, 1976 married Christal and they have one child.
--140. Madison Renie born January 15, 1995
--134. Kimberly Dawn born July 28,1978.She is married to Darren Scott Martin born October 24,1974. They were married on July 6,1996. They have two children.
--141. Eric Wayne Martin born October 27,1995.
--142. Zackery Shane Martin born October 7,1996.
--127. Carol Lee born August 1, 1948 married Randy Pendarvis and they had one child. Her second husband is Clifford Mason.
--143. Rodney Wayne Pendarvis born May 10 1968.
--128. Linda Kay born September 26, 1950 married Ervan Ray Percella and they have two children as follows.
--144. Darren Ray born June 1968.
--145. Denise Renee born in 1969.
--129. Sharon Ann born December 9, 1953 married Raymond Dowden. Their children are as follows.
--146. Taylor Lee Dowden born August 11,1977.
--130. Connie Jean born August 22,1960. She married Terry Bourgeios and they had one daughter and then Connie married married Percy Blank and they have one daughter.
--147. Erica Lee Bourgeios born June 15,1979
--148. Kailey Jean Blank born November 18,1993
--149. Arron Percella
--150. Ray Percella
--65. Goldie Belle Adkins born September 4,1925 in Three Sands Oklahoma.Date of death unknown at this time. She married Lewis Cook and had four children. And the she married Paul Griewahn and they had no children.
--151. lillian
--152. Jim
--153. Robert he died in 1992 in Wisconsin
--154. Paula. She married Leroy Simmons and lives in Lamont Oklahoma and has two children. Names unknown.
--66. Glen Berden Adkins born August 30,1926 in Blackwell Oklahoma married Rosemary Margaret Parks on October 18,1949 in Bettendorf Iowa. Rosemary was born October 25, 1927 in Bettendorf Iowa.Glen was in the US Navy. He died April 17,1991 in Davenport Iowa. To this union were four children.
--155. Christopher Glen born October 26,1952 in Davenport,Iowa.
--156. Paul Edward born February 19,1954, in Davenport Iowa.
--157. Londa Joy born July 12,1956 in Davenport Iowa.
--158. Charlotte Maeann born October 24,1957 in Davenport, Iowa.
--155. Christopher Glen Adkins born October 26,1952. Married Susan Elizabeth Rodgers October 24,1970 at our Lady of Lourdes. Susan was born May 19,1949. They have two children.
--159. Mathew Christopher born July 3,1971.
--160. Elisabeth Ann born September 1976.
--156. Paul Edward Adkins born February 19,1953 Married Bonnie Alce Piepe on August 14,1976 in Our Lady of Lourdes. Bonnie was born March 24,1952. They have two children.
--161. Jayme Donna born May 30,1980.
--162. Sarah Alice born March 11,1984.,br> --157. Londa Joy Adkins born July 12,1956 married Michael Irvin Rodas on April 16,1977 at Our Lady of Lourdes. Michael was born February 14,1955. They have two children.
--163. Katie Londa born March 20,1984.
--164. Maggie Leigh born July 17,1986.
--158. Charlotte Maeann Adkins born October 24,1957 Married Kenneth Randall Bowers June 12,1977. Kenneth was born November 14,1955. They have two children.
--165. Ryan Anthony born March 12, 1978.
--166. Anna Catherine born March 23, 1986.
--158. Charlotte Maeann Adkins born October 24,1956 also married Douglas R. Harris on June 2,1989. Doug was born September 10,1953. They have one child.
--167. Jordan Richard born July 21,1991.
