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FAQ rec.collecting.stamps.discuss
The following questions are addressed below:

1. What is the purpose of rec.collecting.stamps.discuss?

2. What is the purpose of rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace

3. Is rec.collecting.stamps moderated?

4. How long do messages posted to rec.collecting.stamps remain on my server?

5. Is there a location where rec.collecting.stamps, discuss, and marketplace are archived?

6. What is the Stamp Trader's List (STL)?

6a. Can I download the STL to my e-mail account? ftp? zipped? html?

7. What kind of ads can be placed on rec.collecting.stamps.discuss

8. How do I respond to people posting ads to rcs.discuss?

9. How do I respond to an attack by the "group police", or "internet lawyers"?


copies of the charters may be accessed at:

1. What is the purpose of rec.collecting.stamps.discuss?

rec.collecting.stamps.discuss is intended to be an unmoderated "free" international forum for the dissemination of philatelic information and the discussion of all things related to philately (stamp collecting) (with the specific exception of philatelic commerce).

A copy of the original charter is available at :

2. What is the purpose of rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace?

rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace is intended to be an unmoderated and free international forum for all "philatelic commerce"*.
(*The advertising, trading, and selling of ALL the stuff useful for the collection, classification, and display of postage and revenue stamps)

3. Is rec.collecting.stamps.discuss moderated?

No! Any user is free to post any non-commercial* philatelic message. *commercial philatelic messages may be posted to: rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace

4. How long do messages remain on rcsd?

It's too early to tell. There are a number of factors that determine how long messages remain on any of thousands of different servers. These factors include how many posts a day are made, and how large is the memory allocated to the particular newsgroup on your particular news server.

5. Where are past postings to newsgroups archived?

Newsgroup search engines such as: DejaNews ( have archives of most newsgroups going back several years.

6. What is the Stamp Traders List (STL)?

Maintained by Phil Guptill:

6a. Can I get the list by e-mail, ftp, or html?

1. send an e-mail to:
2. Leave the subject line BLANK and
3. on the first line of the message body, simply type: GET STL PACKAGE
Most of the time, within just a matter of minutes, the entire STL will be found in your incoming e-mail (300k+).

The STL can be viewed and downloaded from the following WWW sites:
Mirror STL

Joe Luft's Philatelic resources archive:

The STL is available from Ed Jackson's FTP site at the University of Georgia: ""
Once in the archive, Ed has the STL as a complete file for Macs and as a complete file for PCs. It's also available in generic text as an 11 part file.

7. What kind of ads can be posted to RCS.d?

Please don't. The newsgroup rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace was specifically created to allow a forum for all philatelic commerce. Instead, place you ads in rcs.marketplace.

8. How should I reply to those who post ads to rcsd?

If it becomes persistant, and if you really must, send a private and polite e-note to the ad poster pointing out that the proper forum for their ads is rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace. Then leave it alone. At no time should anyone post a "get out of here" flame. That's not what a forum for philatelic discussion is for. The history of rec.collecting.stamps, and it's unnecessary death, proves a public posting of this type leads to polarization and hate.

9. How should I reply to someone attacking me on rcsd

Download a copy of a newsreader, such as Anawave Gravity which provides "kill files" or "Bozo Bins". Drag the name of the culprit into the Bozo Bin and the next time you download the group or resort your articles, that individual will no longer be there. In all cases, it is considered "poor form" to respond to the "internet lawyer", or the self appointed "group police" in public. We Philatelists don't need to have private disagreements aired out in our discussion group. Please, at all times, be civil and considerate of your fellow group users.

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