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Computer Classes

All pupils of this school are being taught the computer. This is being done during school hours. A capable and experienced computer teacher is conducting the classes. 



A kindergarten has been going on in this school for the few past years. This kindergarten has been growing steadily with 3 teachers and 75 pre-school pupils. 


Extra classes

We have been preparing the pupils in years 4,5 and 6 by having extra classes for them to prepare than more intensively for the UPSR Examination .Moreover extra classes for the UPSR are also being held in the afternoon i.e. after the morning session. 


Student Welfare

From time to time studies have been conducted to identity needy children by the PTA and assistance has been rendered to them. For those needy pupils who have been attending extra classes, much has been provided by the PTA. 


In addition to the above-mentioned services rendered by the PTA, educational camps, educational seminars, self-help services (gotong-royong) and dialogue sessions with parents have also been success fully carried out.



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