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Hi. Im Stephen and this is my page. Nice isnt it? This
is just a page telling a little about me and my 
characters from Ayenee yahoo rpg. Actually...its more
the characters then me. 

Now for the little about me. My name is Stephen White.
Thats all for now!


Heres all of my characters...just click on the link for there page. Lance Steelwind-Lancer of House Steelwind
Danato Kendrik-Evil Dark Knight and sole weilder of the Dark Arts
Rhan Taurio-Outcast freelance demon hunter
Drake Dragoradon-Former master of the Dark Arts and all around evil guy(deceased)
Race Dartin-Halfelven thief with a mysterious past
Tzing Ryogia-Newly arrived lethal assassin.
Ren Twindaggers-Vampiric Theif back from the dead!
Shade Retraiser-Son of the Shadow's roaming the realm.