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Blah Blah Blah

Pick up the pipe, lay down the carpet... Is there a nice place for me to sit down?? this is how you touch a woman, the grass cutters wife, the time keepers daughter... Don't look... the time keepers daughter is gone... Time is short, days grow long, smoke a fatty blunt or take hits from the bong... Save the trees!!! My ex-girlfriend is on her knees... The devil does drugs??? You are going to die... Love is colder than death... You lied to me... I saw you there... I feel that you are distant, standing so close to me... What do you think of my shit, and how it got started??? I was hangin' around your mom and her pussy just farted...

People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are still being passed around -- the music and the ideas...

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