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Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Alex, and their answers
Q. Who is your Favorite friend on the Mariners?
A. Two: Joey Cora and John Marzano

Q. How early do you show up for an evening game?
A. About 3 o'clock

Q. Whats the worst pick up line you have ever heard?
A. Can I wrap you up and take you home to my mom?

Q. Who was your first kiss?
A. a girl named Mariam in the 7th Grade. We dated for about 3 days before we kissed after classes one day.

Q. Have you ever been to the Space Needle?
A. Yes. when I signed with the Mariners, they took me and my family there to celebrate.

Q. Do you plan to attend college?
A. I'll be going to the University of Miami this offseason, starting to work toward a degree in communications.

Q. Have you ever had to wear lipstick for any of your photo shoots?
A. yes, for a cover of Miami magazine and to appear on the Letterman show, they put on some lip gloss and some light makeup.

Q. do you have a blankie or a teddy bear like me?
A. not now, but when i was little i had a teddy bear.

Q. can you go anywhere without being recognized?
A. sometimes, but it only takes on person to notice me and the word spreads.

Q. how did it feel to hit for the cycle?
A. Great, but i think that in ten years i'll look back and relize it was nore of an achievement then i thought when i did it. it was special and it was really neat to meet the woman who won the $1 million dollars. that was pure joy they shared the achievement with me.

Q. how did you feel about interleague play?
A. i didn't like it because of the traveling involved and the preparation getting ready for just two games. yet i know the fans liked it, so i hope baseball figures out how to do it better.

Q. do you still use Jr.'s bat?
A. no i use my own in games now. for BP(Batting Practice) i often use a heavier model, i get from someone else like Paul Sorrento.

Q. what do your new shoes look like?
A. I don't know for sure, only that it would be subtle and sleek and made of suede material, like nubuck leather. im going th meet with the designer when i get to San Francisco.

Q. do you have a steady girlfriend?
A. No I don't

Q. do you have any Baseball camps for kids?
A. yes, we've had them for three years now, in Miami, this year we'll have summer clinics, run by Rich Hofman, my coach at Westminster Prep. we're not sure what the locations will be around the country.

Who takes care of your dog during the season?
A. My mom and stepfather. She's a 4-year old German Shepherd named Ripper. They tell me she misses me. Next year, i wont live in a condo where i can't have her with me.

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