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Common Name: Oscar
Scientific Name: Astronotus ocellatus
Pronounced: As'tro-no"tus os'el-lay"tus
Meaning of name: Astronotus, marked with stars; ocellatus, with eye spot on tail
Species: Genus of Cichlidae with few species.
Origins: South America; Orinoco to Rio Paraguay; Amazon.


Description: The Oscar is oval in shape and grows up to 14 inches (35cm). The ventral fins are pointed, but the dorsal, caudal, anal, and pectoral fins are rounded. The coloration varies and depend somewhat on age. They have irregular marks of yellowish blotches and streaks. The caudal peduncle has a black spot encircled by a bright red ring, which is one of the Oscars consistent characteristics. The fins are darker in color on the outer edges. The eyes are small and the mouth is thick lipped. There is hardly a difference between the two sexes.
Diet: Worms, crustaceans, insects, chopped meat, dried foods, small fish, earthworms.
Environment: Water temperature between 72-79F. (22-26C). The substrate should have sand or gravel, some rocks, roots, and floating plants. Oscars are diggers, so rooted plants should be avoided, however well anchored potted plants can be used.
Tank Mates: Species tank, due to its digging. Aggressive in small aquariums, otherwise is peaceful.
Breeding: Water temperature between 78.8-86F (26-27C), 3-20dH, pH 6-7. Both the male and female will carefully clean the spawning site, which is normally a flat rock, and the eggs will be attached to this being guarded by both parents. The fry will hatch in 3-4 days and then the parents will move them to a hollow in the sand where they will remain for the next several days. Once the fry reach the free swimming stage, they can be fed baby brine shrimp and rotifers. Occasionally you will see them cling to their parents even after free swimming as if eating a secretion from the skin. Although it has not been determined if this is actually what is happening.

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