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1. I'm sorry but I have to STRONGLY disagree with him here. I found that my Goldfish
were an excellent first fish for me. These are the fish that got me interested in the
hobby and are low maitenance. You feed and do water changes and ta-da that's it!
2. WRONG. No fish should be kept in a bowl under atleast 5 gallons. There would only
be enough sufficient room then, for a single fish. You cannot fill a bowl full and also
allow sufficient surface area. The fish will survive, but NOT thrive.
3. The temperature range for Betta Splendins is between 77-83F. I keep both my tanks
at 80F and all of my Bettas are quite happy.
4. This guy is obviously a Goldfish hater. I've never seen "feeder Goldfish full of diseases
or parasites" sold as pets. True, Goldfish like colder water, but that is why you keep
them in species tanks. This is the reason they are not kept with tropicals. Not because
they do not do well in lower oxygen levels. Just about all tropicals require some sort
of air in the water, with the exception of the Anabantids.
5. These temperatures seem too extreme. It would mean that with these cold water temps.
you could put them in with Goldfish!!!! NOT. I would go with the higher temperatures 
described under the environment.
6. The correct Latin for the Tiger Barb is Barbus Tetrazona.