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Kuhli Loach
Kuhli Loach photo

Common Names: Kuhli Loach, Coolie Loach, Leopard Eel, Prickly Eye, Striped Loach
Scientific Name: Acanthophthalmus kuhli (CUVIER & VALENCIENNES)
Pronounced: Acanthophthalmus, A-kan'thof-thal"muss
Meaning: Acanthophthalmus, with spine near eyes.
Categories: Family: Cobitidae
Origins: Malaysia; Burma; Java; Sumatra; Borneo; Singapore and Malacca.


Description: The body is slim resembling an eel, with a pink or yellow coloring. It has 12-20 vertical bars on it's sides that are either a dark brown or blue-black in color. The head and eyes are small and has three sets of barbels around it's downturned mouth. It has a tough transparent skin over it's eyes, which allows it to burrow. The Kuhli Loach is a very peaceful fish, that makes it's appearance at night. The female is fatter than the male and becomes very bloated when in breeding condition.
Diet: Bloodworms, whiteworms, and Tubifex. Is a scavenger that eats the leftover, uneaten food of the other fish.
Environment: Found on the muddy bottoms in it's native waters; but prefers clean, clear, bright waters with hiding places in the tank. Tank Mates: Community tank. I have them with Angelfish, Corydoras, Black Neons, Danios (Zebra and Longfin Gold), Rasbora Hetromorpha, Otocinclus, Betta Splendens.
Breeding: Not known.

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