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Clown Loach

Common Name: Clown Loach, Tiger Botia
Scientific Name: Botia macracantha
Pronounced: Bo'-tee-a  mac'ra-can"tha
Meaning of Name: macracantha, big spine; from the spine on the face below the eye.
Categories: Genus of the Cobitidae
Origins: Sumatra, Borneo


Description: Up to 12 inches (30cm). Orange coloring with three black, wedge shaped transverse bands. Pectoral, ventral, and caudal fins are red, while the anal and dorsal fins are yellowish with a black band. The mouth faces downward and has 4 pairs of barbels, the lower jaw ones being very small. Is peaceful as well as intolerant to like species. Grows slowly over several years. Lives eight years or more. There are no external sex differences.
Diet: Live food especially worms, as well as dried and plant food, crustaceans.
Environment: Water temperature between 75-86F (24-30C). The water should not be too hard, clear and rich in oxygen. The sand substrate sould not be too course, and there should be plenty of places to hide among rocks, wood, or sturdy plants. It likes to have places to hide.
Tank Mates: Community tank.
Breeding: They haven't been bred in captivity.

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