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Tommorow brings the Battle royal
.:Pit's rp:.

.: Pitbul :.





Number of Rps for event: 2

Title(s): International Title

Opponent(s): Pricilla

Match Type: 1 v. 1, Master of the mat

people mentiioned:Dax, A.O.V, and pricilla

New international title

{.:*~Opening Scene*~:.}

{The scene opens up to show Pitbul still laying on the couch with his hands rubbing his head. His friend has left the room. He starts to make groaning moises as he is in obvious pain. He tries to sit up but he only falls back down. He freind then eagerly rushes in the door with a smirk on his face. He rushes over to the chair, and sits down. Then he beigins to talk)

Freind- Dude! did you just here what daX said about you out there?!

( Pitbul then puts all of his strength into sitting up. He gets the pillow from the other side of the couch and puts it behind his back so he is sitting upward.)

Pitbul- Not that I should care about that loser anymore, but i geuss you will tell me anyways.

Freind- Well, yeah. You see, he got out there and started talking about his match with Pablo and then got into to you. He was like, "that lucky bastard is lucky the ropes were there, cause dat boas wouldnt have won wit out dem". Funniest thing ever.

Pitbul- Oh my god, what the hell is he talking about? What will it take for him to relize that I am the better wrestler. Cause damn, I have already wrecked his ass twice now, what more could he want? It will probably take a chair to the side of the head to finally knock some since into him and see who the better wrestler is.

Freind- Man, I know how you feel. I mean, not only have you beat him, you have kicked his ass as well. That "boa" has some stuff coming to him if he thinks that he is going to win a match in this league.

Pitbul- Yeah, I know... I got to go piss, hold up.

(Pitbul slowly gets up. He walks over to his bathroom, turns the light on and closes the door. In the backround you hear him, and then you hear the toilet flush. He opens the door and walks out. He turns the light out. When the camera focus's back on Pitbul he is holding the HwA weekly magazine. On the cover, there is a picture of Pricilla. Pitbul has a confsed look on his face. He throws the magazine on the table in disgust and then sits down. He then starts to yell at his friend)

Pitbul- What the hell is this?

( As Pitbul is saying those words, he points to the magazine)

Friend- Well you see... I needed some reading and...?

( Pitbul cuts his friends trembling voice off before he can finish the sentence.)

Pitbul- I don't care. But what I want to know is why you are reading a magazine when the person that I have to beat is on the cover?

Friend- Well Pitbul, she is pretty hott, you got to admit that.

( Pitbul starts to think for a minute. He puts his head down for a couple of seconds. He then pulls it up and starts to talk in a more mellow voice)

Pitbul- Yeah, your right, she is pretty fine. I just can't beleive that I am fighting her. Cause shit, when I was growing up I was tought to never hit a woman. I am going to hate knocking her out tonight, i am going to feel a lot of shame. But I have to do what I got to do. If a woman wants to put herself in danger in a mens match, then theres nothing I can do about that. I have tried to get the prez to reconsider, I have tried to get the Alliance of Violence to try and work out some deal with me, but non if works. I geuss j. Stlyz will just have to live with the beating of his girl. There nothing i can do. I will knock her out, and I geuss I will help her up. Because real men don't hit women, and i don't feel like a man right now having to be faced up against a woman like that. I mean, what would you do in a sitution like this?

Friend-I on't know. Personally I wouldn't lay a finger on her. Since she is a woman and is with the most dominating wrestler in this league right now. But, I am not a perfessional wrestler like you are. Like you said, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, and there is no way around it. I think you should just go into the match and try to think of her as some ugly ass fag who just stole your girl man. Thats all I can say to you.

Pitbul- Yeah.

Freind- Well acutally, did you see come out here and talk all of the smack she was talking about you the other day

Pitbul- Na, I geuss I looked right over that small ass..

Friend- well, she was talking all of this stuff about you. She was like "your ass needs to be worrying about me cause I am going to win" and she brought up how you always talk about Dax instead of her.

Pitbul- Well, damn that changes everything. She talking smack about me, then I will knock knock some sense into her little blonde head. And what the hell? She brought up that hobo Dax? That bitch needs to learn that she is to small for someone to put there own brain on. Because haven't I faced dax for two straight matches now? Isan't he my main enemy? So shit, why should I waste my time worrying about her?

Frend- Oh yeah, and then she went on about you talking a lot of shit and not being able to back it up and she could. Haha... that is pretty funny.

Pitbul-Oh, I know. She has had what? A big whopping 1 match in this league, and wow, it ended up in a tie. Theres a big accomplisment. I mean come on, I come out here and talk as much shit as I want, because when I step into the ring I will back it up, I have already proven that. She thinks that just because shes got a round ass she will win every god damn mactch she is in. Well, that can't be the case. Because what does she have to back up her smack? A big tie? Oh wow, that will intimedate someone. And what do I have? Something called A title? oh yeah, thats right. It might not be big, but is sure is better than a lousy tie.

(Pitbul stands up off of the couch after he said that)

Pitbul- You know, i wasn't going to pay much attention to this match. But ever since I have found out what she has said, I want to kick her ass. So, listen up, go out to the parking garage and find my limo driver, tell him to take you to the drug store and to buy me some asprins. And hury back as fast as you can, we only got a couple of hours to get ready.

(his friend runs out of the locker room. He goes left and then quickly steps back right. He stops in his steps for a minute and looks confused. He goes up to a person and asks them where the garage is. They politly tell him and he makes his way there. He reaches the garage and goes to the driver side and talks to the driver. Pitbuls friend then hops in the car. The scene then begins to fade out with the picture of Pitbuls limo quickly exiting the parking garage


{.:*~End of Promo~*:.>