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Smaug Train Snippet v1.2

This snippet allows players to train attributes such as strength, intelligence, hp, mana, etc. I ported it over from Merc, as well as added/fixed a few things.
NEW: You can now train Movement points!
Please email me at: Also, if you have any problems with it, please email me and I'll help you out ASAP.

Weapon Identification Snippet v1.0

Are players on your mud complaining because they're having trouble identifying what weapon style works for a specific weapon? (i.e. is a weapon a long blade or a short blade or a talonous arm???). This snippet will show your players what type of weapon each weapon is when they cast IDENTIFY on it.


Object 'a menacing granitic blade' is a weapon, with wear location:  wield
Special properties:  dark magic
Its weight is 2, value is 0, and level is 2.
Damage is 1 to 6 (average 3).
Weapon Type: Short Blade      <<<<< What the snippet does.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects damage roll by 1.

Login Menu Snippet v1.0

This snippet will bring players to a special menu after they log
onto your mud and view the title screen.  The menu looks something like:

Welcome to the Mud.
Please choose one of the following:

1) Enter the Game
2) Leave the Game
3) See who is Online
4) Change your password
5) Delete your character
6) View a mud background story

Only part 1,2,3, and 6 are currently enabled, but 4 and 5
are quite simple :)
If you use the delete snippet out there which uses CON_DELETE
then simple have 5 direct you to that con_state :)

Also, Note for 6:  You need to make a helpfile named:
BACKGROUND  with the level set to -1 in order to view this.
Like always, please let me know if you use this snippet.
Also, please report any bugs etc.

** NEW **

Newbie Help Channel Snippet

Automated snippet that will show newbies customized login messages!! i.e. [NEWBIEHELP]: Welcome! Type 'quit' to quit. Any bugs let me know! BE SURE TO SET YOUR OWN MESSAGES.

** NEW **<


This is a link to a log I have just started that contains bugs in smaug 1.4 that haven't been
posted on any other site that I've seen thus far. Be sure to check it out!!!


Samson's Snippets

The Smaug Homepage


Page Last updated 07-11-03
Please let me know if you use any of my snippets.
Thanks :)