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Since my freshman year in high school I have dreamed of running a website. I signed up for an account on Angelfire, I made the site look as cool as I could, I even went through a layout change with graphics a friend made for me. But I never had the drive to keep going with it. I'd start collecting art and other things for Zelda and Dbz and whatnot and I still probably have the stuff on floppy disks all over my room, but it was a lot of work for one man. I didn't want to do like my first time and try to open with out anything on the site... and nobody came. So I decided to wait for a grand opening when I had had enough stuff to make someone's first visit worth while and worth coming back. I don't know how long this drive of mine will be, I just got it and came here and typed this... it'll probably end the minute I get done typing but maybe I'll do it this time. Anyway I want this site to be open and known to the public, and so that my dream of having a website can be complete.


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