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The Cities of Gor
ANANGO A large island not far from Schendi. Similar in some respects to 18th century Jamaica on Earth. Reputed to be the home of mythical "black wizards" though in actuality there is no magic on Gor.
AR one of the oldest cities on Gor, it has 10,000 years of recorded history. Formerly the seat of the Empire of Ar. Located on "the plains" of central Gor, between Vosk R. and Cartius R, and between Voltai Mts. and Thassa. Described as being "low in the temperate zone of the Northern hemisphere of Gor." The largest, most populous and luxurious of all Gor. It is similar in many respects to the city of Rome upon ancient Earth. Citizens of Ar tend to be the most civilized and technologically developed of Goreans, and Ar is a cultural center for much of Gor, setting the prevaling fashions in many other cities. Ar is at war with its ancient enemy, the island Ubarate of Cos.Its walls, its countless cylinders, its spires and towers, its lights and beacons, the high bridges are lit by lanterns and connect many of the towers the sight is unbelievably exciting and fantastic, particularly as seen from the more lofty bridges on the roofs of the higher cylinders. It has a set of double walls, made of white marble, the first is 300 feet high and the second 20 yards from the first is 400 feet high. Ar is most marvelously viewed when seen at night from tarnback. All gorean cities save one are built by free men. Surrounded by great walls, it's great Gate opens onto the Viktel Aria and there are forty other gates as well. Her politics lack the grandeur of the city itself. The powerful of Ar contributed to a disaster in the delta by not supporting their own army against the invading forces of Cos. Her citizenry burned their gates and tore down their walls to aid the Cosians. Those Warriors who were betrayed by their city returned to it; their goal to liberate Ar by whatever means to revenge her humiliation and regain the glory that was hers. Curulean: the most prestigious slave auction house in the city of Ar.
ARGENTUM Sister city to Tharna, and a producer of much of the silver mined on Gor. One of the "Silver-Cities" of the Gorean north. Similar to any of the walled city-states of ancient Earth Greece.
AR'S STATION A freshwater river port town on the south bank of the Vosk. Founded four years after Pa-Kur's hordes gathered there, prior to their war against Ar. Ar's station was Ar's stronghold on the Vosk originally established as a river colony and tributory of the Ubarate of Ar. Recently it has split away from the Ubarate and follows its own political agenda, even allying with the enemies of Ar herself. It is considered an ally of Port Cos. Conquered by Cosian Invasion forces several years ago, its Home Stone nevertheless survived and was returned to the town. When Cos landed at Brundisium, and moved it's forces toward Ar's Station, Ar failed to act because of political treachery. Ar's Station eventually fell to Cos. It stands at the northern terminus of the Viktel Aria which leads to Ar, also known as the Vosk Road.
Bazi This is a free coastal port which make commerce possible with Cos and Tyros and the land based cities. The people are brown skinned. It was struck by a plague for a couple years.
Besnit A small city within a hundred pasangs of Esalinus and Harfax. It is an ally of Harfax. Besnit does not upkeep its roads in order to isolate itself. It is next to impossible to reach the city in the spring due to the rains.
BRUNDISIUM Port city on Thassa, 100 pasangs S of Vosk Delta (on Mainland) A large walled city, a saltwater port located south of the Vosk delta on the shores of Thassa. One of the largest ports of Gor and a commercial metropolis, it is 100 pasangs south of the Vosk Delta on the Thassa. The Genesian Road links it with other coastal cities. Its port facilities rival even those of Cos and Tyros, and much of the merchandise and supplies which are transported into the landlocked northern interior come through Brundisium. Through the treachery of her former Ubar, the city of Brundisium, though officially allied with Ar, served as the staging point for the great Cosian invasion of Ar which took place several years ago. Needless to say, Brundisium and Ar are no longer allies. Similar to any of the walled seaports of ancient Earth Greece.
Cities of Dust The Gorean land of the dead or underworld
Clearus A village in Tor.
Corcyrus A city southwest of Ar, and to the east and somewhat north of Argentum it was allied with Cos, The ocean is more than one thousand pasangs to the west. Which until recently was ruled by a Tatrix, Sheila of Corcyrus. She was deposed for her tyranny, and, after a lengthy war, the fortunes of the city are again on the rise. Similar to any of the walled city-states of ancient Earth Greece.
COS An alliance of several cities which all exist on the island of Cos. It is known for its famous wines and its vast fleets of trading ships, as well as its imperialistic tendencies. It is at war with the city of Ar, and along with its ally the Ubarate of Tyros it is currently at war with the city of Port Kar. Similar in certain respects to the ancient Earth Minoan culture.
Esalinus One of the three cities, within 100 pasangs of the edge of the Woods of Clearchus and within a hundred pasangs of Besnit and Harfax
Fina This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located east of Ar's Station.
Forest Port This town is a part of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank and is east of Ar's Station.
FORT HASKINS Former fort city at E edge of Boswell Pass, once attacked by Port Olni (level with that city) A smallish fortress town at the edge of the "barrens," vast grasslands northeast of the mountains of Thentis, which guards the trade routes in that region. Known for its large contingent of kailla and Tarn cavalry, used to resist and suppress raids by the Red Savages which inhabit the barrens. . Once a trading post maintained by the Haskins Company and later a military outpost flying the flag of Thentis, it's military and strategic influence declined with the development of the Thentesian Tarn cavalries and the growth of the population. It is once again a trading center, maintained by the Caste of Merchants of Thentis Similar to various western frontier settlements during the Indian wars of North America on Earth.
Fortress of Saphronicus Former merchant outpost, now city, within several days march of city of Ti.
Hammerfest Part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station.
Harfax A city is within a hundred pasangs of Besnit and Esalinus. It is an ally of Besnit.
Helmutsport Free Trade Port on Thassa, coastal city in the N.
Hochburg A mountain fortress in the southern Voltai.
Holmesk Located one hundred pasangs south of the Vosk between Ar and Ar's Station. This is the winter camp of the forces of Ar.
Iskander Part of the Vosk League. It is east of Ar's Station and Forest Port.
Jasmine Part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station, Jort's Ferry and Point Alfred.
Jort’s ferry This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank and is west of Ar's Station.
Kailiauk Town on the Frontier of The Barrens, NE of Fort Haskins. It is a major trade center for the purchase, processing and selling of kailiauk hides taken from the massive herds which traverse The Barrens. It is also a slave trade center, dealing primarily in barbarian girls which are sold at various points along the perimeter.
Kasbah Of the Guard of the DunesE of Red Rock.
Kasra An alliance of several cities which all exist on the island of Cos. It is known for its famous wines and its vast fleets of trading ships, as well as its imperialistic tendencies. It is at war with the city of Ar, and along with its ally the Ubarate of Tyros it is currently at war with the city of Port Kar. Similar in certain respects to the ancient Earth Minoan culture.
Kassau Northern coastal Free Trade Port city located at inlet of Thassa, with the Northern forests behind it. NW of Port Kar. NW of Mts. of Thentis. W of Torvaldsland. It is a town of wood. The town is surrounded by a wall with two gates. One large, facing the inlet, leading in from the Thassa, the other small, leading to the forest behind the town. A seaport in the far north, southwest of Torvaldsland. Though sharing a similar "Earth-nordic" culture with that place, it is far more cultured and civilized. A major trade center of the frigid northern climes of Gor. The main business of Kassau is trade, lumber and fishing, particularly fish from the plankton banks north of the town. Lumber, particularly ka-la-na and tem wood are traded to the north, which is virtually treeless. Similar to early medieval Copenhagen on Earth, or other Danish settlements of the same period. Kassau is the seat of the High Initiate of the North.
Khurtzal Village, upriver from Kasra on the Lower Fayeen River. N of Tor, overland. Kurtzal. It is little more than a loading and shipping point on the Lower Fayeen.
Klima (Salt Pits of Klima) 1000 pasangs from any civilization, in the Tahari.
Ko-ro-ba High in the N latitudes of Gor, below Northern Forests. Hills and Meadowlands NE of Ko-ro-ba. 1000 pasangs from Sardar Mts. SE of Laura. NW of Ar. Also known as "The Towers of the Morning," Described as a city of lofty cylinders, set among rolling green hills, it was destroyed by the will of the Priest-Kings to enlist Tarl of Ko-ro-ba in a search which would ensure the continuation of their ancient, but endangered species. It has long since been rebuilt. It is a cultural center similar to Ar, but its citizenry is known for their fierce love of independence. The city produces many excellent Warriors. It is somewhat similar to the city of Athens during the Hellenistic Period of ancient Greece, on Earth. Ko-ro-ba is in a perpetual state of semi-war with the city of Treve. Administered by Matthew Cabot, Ko-ro-ba was the home city of Tarl Cabot and was destroyed before His return from Earth.
Lara City located in the juncture of Vosk and Olni Rivers, on S bank of Olni, N bank of Vosk. This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. Walled northern city-state, allied with Ko-ro-ba, which occupies the strategic juncture of the Vosk and Olni rivers. A freshwater port, it is otherwise typical of the mighty walled settlements of central civilized Gor. Known for its skilled Warriors, excellent sailors, and superbly trained slaves. Similar to any of the walled city-states of ancient Earth Greece.
Laura Trade town on the Laurius River, 200 pasangs upriver the port of Lydius, inland from Thassa. A rough frontier town, whos buildings are made mainly of wood, which does a brisk trade in captured panther girls being sold into slavery. With its navigable river course to Lydius it serves as a staging point for the transport of bulk goods such as furs and lumber. A favored trade town for the various outlaws and woodsmen of the northern forests.It is a clearinghouse for various goods, a mercantile town.
LYDIUS City at mouth of Laurius River where it empties into the Thassa. S of Kassau. A northern free port administered by Merchants, neutrally aligned. Govered by merchant law rather than by civil law, and loyal to no Ubarate. Located at the juncture of the Laurius Riverand Thassa (the sea). A large trade town, it handles much of the distribution of the raw materials harvested from the great Northern Forests, and is a major supply port for both northern and southern shipping. Goods primarily rough goods like tools, crude metals and cloth are shipped from this port to many islands and coastal cities.
Market of Semris Small trade city SE of Brundisium. somewhat east of Samnium, it is famed for its markets for tarsks, four-legged and two-legged. The town square is described as neat and well maintained, set with flat stones intricately fitted together. There are shops, fountains, a closed temple and public buildings.
Minus This is a village under the control of Ar.
Nyundo A village located northeast of Lake Ngao, the central village of the Villages of Ukungo.
Oasis of Farad Tahari settlement, location not specified.
Oasis of Four Palms Far S of Red Rock, farther from Klima than from Red Rock, closer to the edge of Dune Country than Red Rock.
Oasis of Nine Wells Tahari settlement S of Tor.
Oasis of Stones of Silver Tahari settlement, location not specified. This is an oasis of the Char, vassals of the Kavar. It received its name centuries ago when thirsty men came upon it in the night. The dew on the rocks the next morning made the rocks seem to be of silver.
Oasis of the Battle of Red Rock Tahari settlement Far E of Nine Wells. Last Oasis E for 2000 pasangs. Western border of "the Dune Country." This is one of the few outpost oases of the Aretai tribe as to its west and south is the country of the Kavar tribe, their enemy. It is on the border of the dune country and is the last major oasis for over two thousand pasangs eastward. The pasha, or leader, of this oasis, is Turem a'Din. He is the commander of the local Tashid clans. The oasis has a kasbah, or fortress, with four towers at its northeast rim. There are five palm groves there and some pomegranate orchards lie at the east. There are gardens inward and a pond between two date palm groves. It flies two flags on its towers, that of the Aretai and Tashids. There is a large shelf of reddish sandstone behind the oasis, north by northeast from its lowest point and center. The battle that gave the oasis its name occurred in 10051 C.A. Since then, the Tashids tribe has been the vassal of the Aretai.
Oasis of the Sand Sleen Tahari settlement location not specified.
Oasis of Two Scimitars Tahari settlement, location not specified, described as "out of the way."
Point Alfred Part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station and Jort's Ferry.
PORT COS freshwater river port town on the Vosk, it is part of the Vosk League. It was founded by settlers from Cos over a century ago. It is a colony whose ties to Cos are largely historical and cultural. Many officers of Port Cos were native Cosians, mercenaries or veterans of the Cosian navy. Originally established as a river colony and tributory of the Ubarate of Cos. Recently it has split away from the Ubarate and follows its own political agenda, even allying with the enemies of Cos itself. It is considered an ally of Ar's Station. It also has its own Home Stone. It is located west of Tafa.
Port Kar Facing the gleaming Thassa by way of the Tamber Gulf, is the crowded, squalid, malignant city at the mouth of the Vosk Delta called Port Kar. Referred to as The Tarn of the Sea. It is the only City of Gor to recognize the Caste of Thieves. Port Kar is ruled by a several conflicting Ubars, and, under them, the Council of Captains who are responsible for maintaining and managing the great arsenal, as well as the fleets of Port Kar. Her name is a synonym in Gorean for cruelty and piracy. The fleet of tarn ships are the scourge of Thassa plying their trade of plunder and enslavement from the Ta-Thassa Mts of the southern hemisphere to the ice lakes of the North,westward beyond the terraced island of Cos and rocky Tyros, with its labyrinths of vart caves. This northern city has no cylinders... The city is a mass of holdings, each almost a fortress, all crossed and divided by hundreds of canals.over Thassa waters. The only city in Gor built by slaves under their Master’s whip. A port city located on the shores of the Tamber gulf, at the coastal edge of Thassa (the sea). Its precise location is open for conjecture, as it guards its privacy tenaciously. Surrounded on the landward side by the vast Vosk Delta Marshes, it is virtually inaccessible except by ship or tarnback. Known as a den of thieves and pirates, its raiding fleets are among the most feared upon Gor. Squalid and decadent, and often virtually lawless. Similar to the pirate cities of the Barbary coast during the Golden age of Piracy on Earth, and to Dakar on the Gold Coast of Africa during her slave trading heydey.
PORT OLNI A large freshwater port on the North bank Olni River, which is a tributory of the mighty Vosk river. Walled and well defended, it guards the mouth of the Olni where it joins the Vosk. A member of the Salerian Confederation.
Ragnar's Hamlet Part of the Vosk League, located far west of Ar's Station.
Rarir This tiny village is located south of the Vosk and near the shores of Thassa. SW of Ko-ro-ba.
Rarn A small city noted for its copper and silver mining. It lies southeast of Tharna.
Rorus Village on the route to Rarir located by tracing the overland trade route five days SE (by caravan) of Ko-ro-ba, towards Ar, then proceeding several days SW overland (on foot) from there.
Sais This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Statio, Jort's Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, and Siba.
Saleria Area encompassing territories of four cities, from "Meadow of Saleria" where Salerian Confederation was formed.
Salerian Confederation NE of Vosk on Olni River.
Samnium Two hundred pasangs east and south of Brundisium, a walled city, spared the savageries of war with Cos, because of her alliance with them
Schendi A port city just south of the equator on Thassa, having a population of 1 million citizens most black. Known for its famous Harbor, on the Thassa is the entry for the Kamba and Nyoka Rivers which lead to the interior of the Schendi rainforest. which is 8 pasangs wide, 2-3 pasangs deep, and opens onto the Nyoka River at the harbor's E end. The Nyoka flows from Lake Ushindi into Schendi Harbor, then into Thassa. Mighty seaport/riverport which exists on the edge of the subequatorial rainforests and jungle regions of Gor. A free city, governed under merchant law. The primary city of the black tribesmen of Schendi, and home of the League of Black Slavers. Due to its strategic position at the mouth of the southern Cartius river, it is a major trade center for the various spices, raw materials and trade goods of the jungle regions. Similar in certain respects to the ancient capital of Ethiopia, and to other large african seaports of the same period on Earth.
Siba Part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station, Jort's Ferry, Point Alfred, and Jasmine.
Stones of Turmus This once was a Turian outpost merchant fort and trading station. It had high white outer walls, over eighty feet high and six towers on the walls. It was eventually burnt by men of Treve.
Sulport This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located far west of Ar's Station.
TABOR One of the other "exchange islands," south of Teletus. Also governed according to merchant law. A free port, allied to no city or Ubarate.
Tabuk's Ford large peasant village located in the basin area of the Verl River. It is four hundred pasangs generally north and slightly west of Ar. It is twenty pasangs west of the Vosk Road. It is known for sleen breeding.
Tafa This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located far east of Ar's Station.
Tancred's Landing Part of the Vosk League. It is downriver on the Olni and near Lara. It is located east of Ar's Station, Forest Port, and Iskander.
Tarnburg A city in the southern, more civilized, ranges of the Voltai, it is essentially a mountain fortress located two hundred pasangs to the north and east of Hochburg. This high city is the home of Dietrich of Tarnburg, a renowned military strategist, the victor in multiple engagements, and the innovator of several military techniques, defenses, formations, etc.
Teehra District District SW of Tor, bordering on the Tahari.
Teletus The largest of the central "exchange islands," governed not by civil authorities but rather according to merchant law. A free port, allied to no city or Ubarate.
Teslit This is a small village on route to Holmesk, halfway to the Vosk.
Tetrapoli Part of the Vosk League. It is much further west on the river than Ar's Station. It began as four separate towns, Ri, Teibar, Heiban and Azdak. Legend states that the towns were formed by four brothers. The towns eventually consolidated into a polity, the four districts maintaining the same names. The expression "tetrapoli" means "four cities" or "four towns."
Tharna A harsh humerless city, once controlled by a a total gynocracy, it is still governed by a female ruler, or "Tatrix." A man who visits in Tharna for more than 10 hours is enslaved. The slaves of Tharna are native-born to the city and there are supposedly no free women The male portion of the population has long since regained control over the city, and with the exception of the Tatrix, Tharna is ruled almost entirely by men. There are few freewomen in the city of Tharna, the entire female population consisting almost completely of female slaves. Tharna, and its sister-city of Argentum to the south, are known for their silver mines and production of that metal. Tharnan Warriors can be distinguished by their blue helmets. Tharnan males are recognized by the two yellow cords they wear tucked in their belts, to bind slaves and which are presented as part of the Home Stone ceremony.. It is said that Lara, the former Tatrix, has now abdicated. The Caste of Poets is outlawed here. Similar in some ways to the ancient Earth city of Carthage. .
THENTIS A fortress city in the Mountains of Thentis. Possessed of some agriculture, particularly the export of wool from its goat-like mountain hurts and its export of beans used to make "Black Wine" (coffee). Also famed for its great Tarn flocks, which are indigenous to the Mountains of Thentis. Most of the tarns on Gor are bred here. Not currently at war with anyone, except perhaps the city of Treve. Similar to several Tyrolean mountain cities found in the southern alps in ancient Earth.
TI Walled river city situated on the Olni River a tributary of the Vosk, north of Tharna. It is the seat of the Salerian Confederation and the largest and most populated city of the Confederation, an alliance of four cities dedicated to the restriction of imperialism and piracy on the Olni River. Known for its superb Warriors. Similar to any of the walled city-states of ancient Earth Greece.
TOR This city lies in the northwest corner of the Tahari, surrounded by hundreds of communities, some hundreds of pasangs apart. Area to west of Tor is occupied and widely inhabited. Tor is located far SE of Ar, far N of Turnia. The largest and most populous of the desert city-states of Gor. It is an opulent city of the desert, well known for its splendors, comforts and pleasures Located in the far south, to the northeast of Turia, at the edge of the vast Tahari wasteland. It is a major trade center and the focal point of hundreds of desert caravan routes. It is also a cultural center for the tribesmen of the Tahari, providing the bulk of trade goods both to and from the desert regions.. The buildings are of mud brick, covered with colored, often flaking, plaster. The buildings are rarely more than four stories high. Thousands of caravan merchants are headquartered here and much of the city is organized to support the caravan trade. The city is built in concentric circles broken by numerous, narrow crooked streets. Similar in many respects to ancient Earth Baghdad.
Torcadino City, located on "Flats of Sarpeto" at the intersection of various routes, the Genesian, the Northern Salt Line, the Northern Silk Road, the Pilgrim's Road, and the Eastern Way (or Treasure Road), Torcadino is a crossroads city SE of Brundisium, SW of Ar. A walled city-state not unlike Vonda. Recently served as a mercenary stronghold during the Ar/Cos conflict. Occupies a position of great strategic importance in the central north. Because of it's location. Once an ally of Ar, it served as Cosian stronghold and staging center, until reclaimed by Deitrich of Tarnburg. Torcadino is also notable for it's two aqueducts, built a century ago, which bring fresh waer from the Issus, a northwestwardly flowing tributary of the Vosk River. Similar to any of the walled city-states of ancient Earth Greece.
Torvoldsland Not actually a city, but a scattered group of settlements in the far north. Famous for its inhabitants, the Torvaldslanders, who are similar in most respects to Earth Vikings of the early medieval period. Known for its superb sailors and the rough mannerisms of its denizens.
Treve A hidden city in the Voltai Mountains 700 pasangs north of Ar, accessible only by Tarnback. Sometimes called 'The Tarn of the Voltai' because of it's lofty perch. It has little or no agriculture, and exists solely through raiding and warfare. Known for its fierce independence, its love of warfare and its superb tarnsmen. Currently at war with practically everyone, notably the city of Ko-ro-ba. Many years ago it was the target of a retributory tarn strike by the forces of Ar, which turned out to be the largest and bloodiest tarn battle in the history of Gor, in which thousands of tarnsmen clashed in aerial battle for days. It ended in a draw... Ar did not pierce the defenses of Treve, but Treve suffered terrible casualties in fending them off. Neither side wishes to repeat the action, and Treve no longer raids the territories of Ar. Treve is similar in certain respects to the ancient Earth city of Sparta.
Turia A major city-state of Gor. It's wealth and opulence is well known and the city is often referred to as "the Ar of the south," it is the largest of the southern Gorean cities, located south of the equator on the plains of Turia. Named for the single Tur tree found at the bank of the stream by which it was built. Turia counts its year from Summer Solstice to Summer Solstice, clebrating the New Year at the summer solstice. A walled city of the southern coastal plains, it was once conquered by the Nomadic Tribes of the Wagon Peoples, but has long since been rebuilt. A place where games are held and feasts held often. It is an opulant trade center similar in many ways to Constantinople on ancient Earth. Turian females are considered good slaves, very beautiful and obedient At the time of Tarl Cabot's first visit inside the walled, nine-gated stronghold, she had never been conquered. For hundreds of years, she had maintained an uneasy trade relationship with the inhabitants of the plains, the nomadic Tribes of the Wagon Peoples. Sacked and conquered by Kamchak, the eventual Ubar San of the Wagon Peoples, she was ultimately spared, her Home Stone untouched out of sentiment. The mother of the Ubar San had been Turian.
Turmas Turian outpost in the SE edge of the Tahari. (Norman uses a variation of the same name, "Turmus," to specify another city at the edge of the Vosk Delta.)
Turmus Last major river port on the Vosk River before the Vosk Delta. Located on N bank of Vosk. Part of the Vosk League.
Tyros An alliance of several cities which all exist on the island of Tyros. Known for its great fleets of raiding ships. Along with its ally the Ubarate of Cos it is currently at war with the city of Port Kar. Similar in certain respects to the ancient Earth island of Crete.
Ukungu Sovereign free state inside Empire of Bila Haruma.
Ven Part of the Vosk League. It is a river port on the southern bank of the Vosk. It is the last town to the west on the south bank until the delta. Ven is at the junction of the Ta-Thassa Cartius and the Vosk.
Venna A resort city west of Voltai and 200 pasangs north of Ar, between Ar and the Vosk River on the Viktel Aria. Well known for it's tharlarion races, it is a common locale for the villas of the rich, usually from Ar.
Victoria A freshwater port on the Olni River, which is a tributory of the mighty Vosk river. A thriving river town which was instrumental in the defeat of the Vosk Pirates several years ago. A member of the Vosk League, and headquarters for the League and one of the founding members, 19 river towns united against river piracy on the Vosk. It is located on the northern bank, east of Ar's Station. Known as a haven for pirates, and for it's slave markets.
Vonda City, located on Olni River, on N bank, N of Lara. Part of the Salerian Confederation. A fairly large port city on the Olni river, which took part in a disastrous territorial war against Ar several years ago. Now rebuilt, it is known for its production and training of male Gladiatorial fighting slaves. It is therefore a large Gladiatorial center. Free women are typically well-received there, and several of the training houses are owned by such free women.Vonda has no tarnsmen. Similar to any of the walled city-states of ancient Earth Greece.
Vosk River Towns From the West to the East, in order: Turmus, Ven, Tetrapoli, Port Cos, Tafa, Victoria, Fina, Ragnar's Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort's Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred's Landing, Whitewater. Most major towns on N bank of Vosk River. Jasmine and Siba are "centrally located between Olni River and Vosk Delta." Whitewater and Lara are far E on Vosk River, where Vosk River joins the Olni River.
Whitewater A city located on the northern shore of the Vosk River, east of Tancred's Landing.