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Dogshit is:

Jesus Frijole - Oi!'s and Sodomy... OH! And the Male Organ!

Cervantes - Guitar and as Little Else as Possble

Dweitz - Satanic Bass and sometimes "The Voice"

Permifry - The only one who can actually play (Bass)

Crackwhore - Prostitution and Drums

We are Dogshit. We're here, we're queer, and we're gonna steal your goddamn beer. And seriously, we totally suck. We are a new punk rock band from Montpelier, Vermont. We formed a few days before xmas break in 1999 when Cervantes and I (Jesus Frijole) decided to start a really shitty punk rock band and play horribly. The genius of this is not to be ignored. Our influences are pretty extensive, but mainly we take GG Allin, The Hammercocks, The Misfits, and Cannibal Corpse, throw in lots of pogo and plenty of hardcore and call it Dogshit. Stuff we've written so far ranges from crust to hardcore to oi! and back all over again. We got a "bassist" in about 10 minutes, because Dweitz was unfortunate enough to walk over and talk to us. It took us a few days to find a "drummer" in other words, we now had Krissy, who is on crack all the time and has never touched a drumstick in her entire life. But hey, she found a drumset, so she was in. In the process, Mason got stuck into all of this, and he can actually play the bass! Although he may be switching to trombone. We'll be the only hardcore/oi! band with a trombone player! Our first practice is scheduled for this friday at Dweitz' house, so we'll just see how it goes. We plan on having some pictures to put up for all of you people.

Our SECOND practice assed out...

Last Time we wrote, we hadn;'t really done much, and very little has changed. We had another impromptu practice with Cervantes, Jesus and Dweitz....we got even less done, and more drunk... lots of vodka and whisky and such, well, i'd write more, but i don't fucking want to.








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stupid bastards have puked while listening to our shitty music!!