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dob*s copy


By W. Johnston, ©1968 Raybert Prod.

(Who DOES have the dang button?)

Okay guys, we've got it all up: Chapter 1 thru Chapter 10! We hope the Button settles in well at its new home here, just outside the Pad. It's... at the library down the street-- YEAH, that's it! The cops came to the Pad with guns drawn, and Peter set the book just outside the door carefully for them to take back. If you really want to keep this story forever, print it out, type it yourself like dob* did (AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) or go to every once in a while and search for Monkees stuff. The Button shows up there a lot! dobolina*s fun

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This is a fun book. It's almost like watching a Monkees episode! Mind you, the author doesn't QUITE capture the Dudes the way we know them, but it's a fun adventure all the same. Buckle up and...


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