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Welcome to DB Majin!

Welcome to Dragonball Majin. This is a Dragonball fansite dedicated to Dragonball fans across the world. This site has tons of different things for you Dragonball fans to do. You can do things going from getting info to taking quizzes, to submitting your OWN work in the fan art page. Please take a look around, and if you have your own DB/Z/GT site, then email me to affiliate! Also, if you like this site and want to see it become popular, then please vote for me (on the right). Thanks!

Majin-8/12/00 -No boost...yet?
Well, I have still not gotten my fricken 5MB boost, and its been like what now...a week? Well, I will keep waiting, but there's not much I can do except wait, cuz I'm pretty much full on the space that I have, so no updating till I get the boost, sorry!

Majin-8/10/00 -Majin/Reg Images
OK, yesterday I DID get up the first page of the regular images, and there is 12 of them. I will be putting up more if I can, because I am going to get a spot on myspace.com and put my roms on there(the roms are what is taking up most of the space) and then i'll be able to put up the rest of the roms AND more images. Also, I got a new affiliate. A fellow majin site =]. It's called Majin Pride. He has a very nice layout, go take a look.

Majin-8/9/00 -Affiliate/Images
I got another affiliate today, Project Dragonball. Go check out his site, it's really cool. I haven't recieved my 5mb boost yet, BUT, I had enough room to put up the enhanced images section, because I only have 4 images that are enhanced. I still have SOME room left so I might start on the regular images page. I won't be able to get too many up if I do, but I can at least start.

Majin-8/8/00 -Affiliate
I got a new affiliate today. His site is called The Anime Source, go check it out, it's really awesome. Thats pretty much all there is to update today, since I haven't got that 5mb boost yet, but I will, soon, and when I do you can expect me to start puttin shit back up.

Majin-8/7/00 -Media/No space
Today I got up the music section and the roms section. On the roms section, I have 5 roms for you guys, but I could only upload 3 of them, and then I ran out of space. I am getting a 5mb boost from angelfire, so when I get that I will be able to get the rest of the roms up and upload more things like pictures, clips, etc...Thanks for hangin in there.

Majin-8/4/00 -New banner/links
Today, I didn't get much sections done, but, I did redo everything so that after you click on one of those big section links, you get a bunch of smaller sections to the real stuff. It will be easier for my to add and/or delete sections this way. Also, I created a new banner for the homepage, and there might be another one coming, because at Anime Empire, for the contest, I submitted a fan art of mine, and he said it is the best yet, and the 1st prize is for him to make me a new banner, and it looks to me like he is DAMN good at it, so i'll probably using the one he contributes.

Majin-8/3/00 -Info Completed
I finished off the entire info section today, which means I finished the SSJ Levels page, which gives explanations of the different stages of super saiyan, and the TV Schedule page, which gives you a tv schedule of the times, days, and channels that DBZ is on in Canada and the United States.Also, I just wanna say please sign my guestbook!

Majin-8/2/00 -Sagas/Affiliate
I finished off the sagas page today, which includes detailed descriptions of the following sagas: Bardock, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Buu. Also, I got my first affiliate, Anime Empire. Visit his site, it's really awesome. More affiliates to come, and I should finish off the whole info section soon. Thank you for all your patience!

Majin-8/1/00 -Lots Done
Hey, I got a TON done today, and last night. All of the home sections are up, I subscribed to 4 topsites, and I got up Character Profiles and the Attack List. I will be working on it more later today, so expect more sections to be up later on. By the end of today I should have the entire Info section up.

Majin-7/31/00 -Welcome
Hey, I just started this site, so bear with me while I get everything up. I decided to submit my site to the Topsites already, so you'll probably be looking at this site while it's not done. Even thought it isn't done, I have all of the things I need on my computer already, so all I have to do is get everything uploaded and put up. I will accept affiliates right now, so email me if you want to affiliate.

[- Anime Empire -]
Anime Source

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