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Lesson 47: Huna Philosophy

Put Together by Isa Moon

Huna philosophy is based on seven principles. They each are influenced by elements, colors, animals, words, physical needs, and actions.

IKE: The word is what you think it is.
Element: Water (Hina)
Color: White
Power Animals: Dolphin, Chicken
Power Words: BE AWARE (I can choose my thoughts.)
Physical Need: Dancing, Bouncing
Action: Meditate, Pray

KALA: There are no limits.
Element: Stone (Haumea)
Color: Red
Power Animals: Squid, Hawk
Power Words: BE FREE (I am free to change my life.)
Physical Need: Singing, Chanting
Action: Need to remove tension.

MAKIA: Energy flows where attention goes.
Element: Fire (Pele)
Color: Orange
Power Animals: Shark, Chamilion, Cat
Power Words: BE FOCUSED (I can get what I want.)
Physical Need: Drink more water
Action: Focus on what you want. (Have clear goals.)

MANAWA: Now is the moment of power.
Element: Wind (Hi'iaka)
Color: White
Power Animals: Turtles, Rat, Cow
Power Words: BE HERE (Be still and know that I am God.)
Physical Need: Crystals, Shells, Minerals, Metals
Action: Do it now! (Don't procrastinate.)

ALOHA: To love is to be happy with
Element: Plants (Laka)
Color: Green
Power Animals: Fish, Pig, Horse
Power Words: BE LOVING (I bless everyone and everything.)
Physical Need: Teas, Carbohydrates, Aromatherapy
Action: Let go of your anger.

MANA: All power comes from within.
Element: Animals (Kapo)
Color: Blue
Power Animals: Whale, Bat, Bear
Power Words: BE STRONG (I am confident!)
Physical Need: Exercise, Protein
Action: Let go of fears and doubts.

PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
Element: People (Uli)
Color: Violet
Power Animal: Snake, Dog, Wolf
Power Words: BE HEALED (I am at peace.)
Physical Need: Electromagnetic Fields, Symbols
Action: Be aware of rigid thinking. (There is more than one answer.)