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Lesson 40: Energy Work

Written by Isa Moon

We all know about energy. It is what makes a light bulb glow and give off heat. It gives small children the ability to run for hours at high speeds. Energy, in the terms that I will be discussing, has nothing to do with the first and everything to do with the second.

We all know that quartz crystals contain energy, they are used to help run watches. But other natural things contain energy as well. Anyone can see and feel this energy but first you must learn to let go of some ideals that you may have grown up with.

First, you must realize that what you see with your eyes is not all that exists. There are many levels of existence or planes of reality, whichever term you like better. While rocks, on this plane are lumps of carbon and other minerals, on other planes they are beings that communicate with light, sound, and feeling.

Second, learn to feel the energy. It is something that you can create on your own or use tools to help you. Tools can be crystals, trees, plants, etc. Here are some exercises that will help with feeling energy:

1. You will need something small that you can fit in your hand a stone, a piece of jewelry, etc. Place the object in your hand and close your eyes. Feel the object with your hand, is it warm or cool, soft or hard. Next, you will have to feel with your heart. Feel the emotion of the object: Is it happy or sad? Does it want to help or harm? Listen with your internal ears. What does it say? Does it laugh or cry? Do this exercise often and with the same object for a time, share your thoughts and feelings with it. When you feel that you know the object well move to another one. Do not be surprised if you start "hearing" stories from objects in stores and on walks.

2. This project is called the energy ball. This can be done alone or in a small group. I suggest no more than two people to start with. Close your eyes and place your hands close together. Draw energy into them creating a ball of energy. Feel the weight of it. Pass it from one hand to the other, or from one person to another. Remember to keep your eyes closed; you are working to feel the energy.

Third, do not disbelieve what you see. The images that you see when you start working with your third eye can be startling. It is common to see loved ones that have died or creatures that are "make-believe". Remember, there are many planes of reality, we live on only one and by opening our third eye we open ourselves to these other planes.

To become aware of these things you must look, not with your eyes that are blue or brown, that need glasses or contacts to see better, you need to use your third eye. This term is also known as the sixth sense. The spot designated as the third eye is usually the center of the forehead. It takes years and years of practice to use your third eye as well as your normal eyes. Here is a simple exercise that will help:

Close your eyes and focus your attention towards the center of your forehead. Picture this region as a large eye that has been closed for many years. Slowly, open the eye; know that it could be painful at first. Through the eye see the room you are sitting in come into focus. See all that you remember and look for what wasn't there before. Are there other people in the room with you? What colors are there that weren't before? Practice as often as you can and keep track of what you see in a journal. Do this activity in other rooms, indoors and out.