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Lesson 2: Prayer

Written by Tempest Owlsbard

Greetings and salutations children of the Goddess.

Today’s lesson is on prayer and deities of Wicca. In Wicca we believe that we are all one and that we all have this oneness in common. The oneness has other names such as the great mystery, spirit, or, like in Jedi movies, the force but this force is like a river and it breaks of into tributaries. The first tributaries are the Goddess and the God, who all other gods and goddesses are aspects of. Some think that these deities are pools of energy, which we fill and take energy from. All other gods are branched from the two gods. We use a saying to show this, "All goddesses are one, all gods are one and there is one initiator." We believe that the universe is polar and the combining of the two poles creates all things. Thus, the God and the Goddess create through the holy art of sex. We all contain the aspects of all the gods though we go with one more than the other some times.

Now to prayer, prayer is more than just some weird thing that religious people do. Prayer is an exchange of energy, hope and messages with our deities. When you pray, you are sending energy to the gods there will be a response because it creates a vacuum and nature hates a vacuum.

Prayer can be done in all sorts of ways: singing, visualization, or words. There are some rules though: when praying you must be in a positive attitude, this attitude must be calm and focused if you are scattered by your emotions you won't be any good at communication with your deities. It is like when you are too angry to see, too sad to speak or dumbstruck by love. Grounding and centering I have found reduce the scattered energies and focus you on the task at hand.

Second, the prayer must be focused at the deity, if you just say "goddess help me" it is very likely your energy will bounce of into the universe and never get to the goddess but if you connect to the goddess and/or god before the prayer it is more likely to hit its mark better. It is like putting an address on your envelope when you send it to a friend. An example of how to do this is: "Goddess within. God within. Lady of moon, of restless sea and verdant earth. Lord of sun, of forest and mountain." Then say your peace, talk about problems or thank them for all you have been given. Ask for a sign or ask for protection. (which is good for meditation)

Prayers are yours to do and every one is different so try making your own attunement prayer or pray to a specific god or goddess for a special problem but attune to them here is an example:
"Goddess within. Great Aphrodite, mistress of love and friendship who is the grace of the swan thank you for the friendships in my life bless all my friends with light and love so mote it be!"

I leave you with this note on prayer. Prayer is when you talk to the gods and meditation is when you listen.

Light and love