Title: Blue eyed beauty 3/5
Author: Lexie
Rating-summary: see parts one and two
Scully walked into the health club and looked at the slip of paper. Gabrielle
Garcia, desk clerk and Cierra Cain, aerobics instructor. These were the two
girls she was supposed to talk to. They claimed to know who had taken Christie.
Scully decided that walking to the front desk was her best bet..
"Can I help you?" asked the lady behind the desk
"Yes, I need to speak with Gabrielle Garcia and Cierra Cain."
"Alright, one moment. Gabrielle is getting the towels from the laundry room,
she should be back in a second. Cierra is teaching right now but her class ends
in five minutes.Why don't you take a seat. Oh, can I get your name?"
"I'm agent Scully"
"Oh are you looking into Christie's disappearance?"
"Yes, do you have any information?"
"Just what I've heard from the police. You might want to talk to Isabella
micheals and Emerald Beason. they're two lifeguards. They had a few theories of
their own that might come in handy. I'll send a note to Cierra telling her to
come here when the class is over. You can sit down over there"
Scully took a seat in the orange chairs near the front desk. She was drifting
off when she heard a child crying.
"But Mommy why isn't Christie here?"
"Cheyenne, I told you, she went away for awhile"
"But where"
the woman sighed and picked her daughter. The little girl was crying. She was a
beautiful child with curly blond hair and bid green eyes.
"I'm not sure where honey"
"Is she coming back?" the woman pulled the little girl closer
"I don't know sweety, I don't know " the little girl buried her face in her
mother's shoulder and began sobbing. The tired mother carried her daughter
outside deciding it wasn't a good idea for them to remain for the karate class.
Scully went back in time as the familiar scene played out before her
"Mama, why can't Emma take me shopping?"
"She went away"
"I don't know"
"When is she coming back?"
I don't know, Dana, go play out back"
The where eventually became heaven, the answer to when is she coming back
became never and a little girl had been grieving ever since.
"Agent Scully" the sound of her name made her jump. She looked up and saw a
young girl standing over her. She was eighteen at the most. She had long red
hair and brown eyes. She was very pretty.
"I'm Gabrielle, Cierra should be here, there she is now" Scully looked down the
hall as a petite girl, with her brown hair pulled back ran toward the desk. She
grabbed a towel and walked toward them.
"I'm Cierra, nice to meet you"
"I'm Agent Scully. I understand you two believe you know who took Ms. Johnson"
"Yes, we can talk in the childcare room, they're closed fir the night. We
should have privacy there" They walked into a brightly lit room with colored
pictures in the walls. There were toys on green shelves and larger toys were
scattered around, blending in with the cribs, rocking chair and swing. It was a
perfect place for children to spend an hour while their parents worked out, or
worked. She wondered if Christie would ever be able to bring her baby here. She
hoped so. She turned her attention back to the two girls and waited for them to
"We were good friends with Christie" Cierra started" Which is why she told us
about Austin and no one else. This guy would come in to her class every day. He
would always comment about how she looked and ask her out. He started following
her out to her car, calling her, showing up at her house, basically stalking
"And you believe this guy, Austin, took her?"
"She told him the day of her disappearance to back off or she would call
security" Cierra explained
"He told her that she would be sorry she rejected him. She disappeared that
night. I see a connection there."
"Its's worth looking into. Can you give me his last name and address?"Scully
"Sure It's...hold on"Gabrielle rummaged through her purse until she found a
piece of paper"Here you go, Austin Spencer, 1717 Alameda Ave. I wrote this down
in case you needed it" Scully took the slip of paper, figured she would call
Mulder first and then go ask Mr. Spencer a few questions. A picture on the wall
caught her eye as they were walking out. It was a picture of a childcare
worker. She was with Christie, hugging her. The caption underneath said Racquel
Sutcliffe and her guardian angel.
"Who's this?" Scully asked
"That's Racquel. She had been working here and taking Christie's class. They
became friends. Christie noticed that Racquel had bruises everywhere. When they
got to be good friends Christie asked her about it and got Racquel to admit her
husband beat her. Christie got her out of there and helped her get him into
jail for it. She was devastated when Christie disappeared." Gabrielle sighed a
little and began walking
"Wait a minute there was something else" Cierra said quickly "Racquel told me
yesterday that she thinks she knows who took Christie. her husband escaped a
week ago. She thinks he took her. His Name is Jared...something or other. The
police might know. You should look into that too"
"I will, thank you for your time" Scully figured she'd meet up with Mulder at
the hotel and then they would separate again. One would go to talk to the
police about Jared, the other go talk to Austin Spencer. She took out her cell
phone and was just about to dial when someone grabbed her from behind. She
silenced a scream and turned around reaching for her gun
"Sorry to scare you, I'm Isabella, this is Emerald. We know where Christie is"
Scully took a few deep breathes and nodded for them to continue
"Christie was really good friends with one of the lifeguards, you know friends
with special benefits. Of course We don't know that for sure but they spent a
lot of time together. More time than a kickboxing instructor should have spent
with a lifeguard. More time than even best friends spend together. She spent
more time in Brent's office than in Randy's. Brent moved to Nevada last week.
In fact, he left the same day she disappeared. She wasn't kidnapped. She just
ran off with her lover."
"Do you have any proof?" Scully asked annoyed. She had better things to do than
chase rumors. She doubted very much that this was what happened but she knew
she'd have to pursue it anyway. They had to follow and leads, no matter how
dumb they seemed. She had already taken an instant disliking to these two
girls. Gossipers, vengeful at that. cowards too. They bad mouthed a woman who
wasn't there to defend herself and made a potentially fatal disappearance into
a soap opera.
"We have no proof but we can give you Brent's phone number." She produced a
slip of paper which read Brent Caulfield 207 245 6675. Scully slipped it into
her pocket, thanked them ,then left. She called Mulder and filled him. They
agreed to meet back at the hotel. Scully drove and thought about the suspects.
Her father's would be assassin, a stalker, an angry abuser who wanted revenge
or a lover. All, except for the lover, made sense, and even that was a
possibility. But if she had run off she would at least tell her father, her
best friend, someone. It seemed unlikely that she was the type who would just
run off and not tell anyone. Scully went to her room, deciding to forget it
until Mulder came. She hadn't slept in almost 24 hours and decided to take a
short nap. She was out cold within five minutes.
Meanwhile Mulder had just finished up and was driving back to the hotel. He
thought about what Christie's father had told him. They were working on a
nuclear missle, a very powerful one. A group of terrorist found out and tried
to steal it. That was how he'd been shot. The man's parting words had been
"We'll get it, no matter what, even if we have to hurt innocent civilians to
get it, we will get it" It was very likely they had taken his daughter, but if
they had, why hadn't a ransom been demanded. Why hadn't they asked fir the
missile in exchange for the girl's life? Mulder thought about the other
possibilities. If that guy had been attracted to her and angry it was possible
he had taken her. Mulder thought about stalkers. Sometimes they took their
victims just to have them, but sometimes they went beyond that. Mulder thought
with fear about the phrase "If I can't have her no one can" It was a trait of
stalkers to kill their victims, simply because they couldn't have them. Mulder
went to the next possibility. Jared Seda. It seemed that he would go after his
girlfriend first but then again, Christie had convinced her to leave. He would
probably go after her,then go after his girlfriend. The police were protecting
the girl but no one had thought to protect Christie. Then there was the other
explanation. Mulder almost hoped that was what really happened. At least then
she'd be alive and well. It wasn't likely though. Even if she had been having
an affair she wouldn't have run off without informing anyone. She had too many
people who cared about her to just leave and make them worry. Mulder drove into
the hotel parking lot feeling no better than he had. they had leads but still
no definite suspect. He walked into Scully's room and stopped. She looked like
an angel, curled up asleep. He didn't have the heart to wake her.He put a
blanket over her and she rolled over and sighed a little. He sat in a nearby
chair and watched her. This had to be hard on her. She was remembering things
she had never gotten over. He watched her toss and turn and realized that even
in her sleep she couldn't escape those memories.He shock her deciding she
should wake up if she was having nightmares.
"Scully, Scully wake up" She awoke with a gasp then buried her face in Mulder's
arm. She had been dreaming again. That same dream she'd had since she was a
child. She was running through the woods lost and afraid. she could hear Emma
but she couldn't see her. Emma was calling for help but Scully couldn't find
her. Then she dead. She found Emma lying in a coffin. And them someone grabbed
her, pulled her away and forced her to the ground. She always woke up at that
part. Screaming and gasping and unable to sleep again. She hadn't gotten that
far into the dream this time. Mulder had woken her up before that/. She pulled
him closer to her, thankful that he had been there. Mulder held her close
wondering what the dream was. He had plenty of them about Samantha. He wanted
to ask but was afraid to. He didn't want to upset her further.Scully pulled
away from him and wiped her eyes.
"Thanks" she whispered " I haven't had that dream in years."
"Do you want to talk about it" Scully just shock her head. She knew she should
but she couldn't bring herself to. She had never talked about the dream. She'd
been having it since she was four but she had never talked about it. She wasn't
sure she could. She knew Mulder would understand but she just couldn't talk
about it, not yet
"thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on"
"My shoulder's always open for you" He looked at her just as she looked up.
Their eyes met and something passed between them.Trust, friendship, and
something else. They held the gaze for at least 30 seconds before Scully spoke
"Are you mad at me for never telling you about Emma before"
"I was at first"Mulder admitted"But I can see that it brings too much pain for
you when you talk about it. I want you to know that I'll always be here for you
when you're ready to talk"
Not knowing what else to do Scully threw her arms around him again. She had
never had such a good friend before. She cared so deeply for Mulder and she
knew he cared about her.Why else had he let her cry in his arms at least twice
today. She looked up at him again. that look was still in his eyes. That look
of loyalty friendship and...
"I love you Mulder" she whispered. She wasn't sure he had heard her at first.
He didn't respond at all.But then he ran his fingers through her hair, ran his
thumb along her cheek and pushed her head up towards him. The first kiss was
slow, gently, both unsure. The kiss quickly grew more passionate. he laid her
down and slowly began caressing her. She moaned a little and wondered if this
was really happening. She had dreamt it about for a long time and even now it
seemed like a dream. The words of a song popped into her head"Am I really here
in your arms, it's just like I dreamed it would be" She wasn't the only one who
felt this way. For Mulder it felt like a dream too, but this was too real to be
a dream. Her skin was softer than he ever dreamt it would be, the smell of her,
the taste of her, far to real to be a dream. When they made love it felt like
they were meant to be together.*We were* he thought.*We'll always be together*
Mulder watched Scully sleep in his arms afterwards. she had a small smile on
her face. NO nightmares this time. In the back of his mind he knew they should
be working on the case but he didn't care. the suspects would still be there
tomorrow. Right now he just wanted to lie with her

End of part 3...so how is the story progressing? Send feedback to