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Scarlet Interviews Frieza

(Note: Scarlet is a made up character in Lady Frieza's Fan Fics. This interview happen when me and her had too much fun one night. So here it is.)

Scarlet: Alright, today on the Scarlet Show I will interview someone very dear to my heart! My own father!

Crowd: (Claps)

Scarlet: Who was nice enough to let me use some of his air time...

Frieza: Hurry up! I have plans you know!

Scarlet: (Smiles sweetly) and what plans are those daddy?

Frieza: Oh you know blowing up planets, killing people that stand in my way, and people who TAKE THERE TIME!

Scarlet: First question, so why in the fight with Son Goku did you toy with him while you simply could have just killed him by going 100%?

Frieza: Because I like to make monkeys act like a fools. I like to crush their hope and pride like I did to Vegeta. We all know what happened to Vegeta now do we.

Scarlet: Yes we do. Now, some questions from the audience!

(A Man raises his hand)

Man 1: Excuse me sir, but I have heard of some strange relation ship between you and Vegeta. How can you explain that?

Frieza: LIES ALL LIES!!! Are you saying I'm gay?

Man 1: Well.........
(Lots of hands raise up)

Scarlet: Yes ma'am?

Woman 1: Are you gay?

Frieza: **Blinks.....blast woman and kills her** Next question

Scarlet: Yes sir.

Man 2: Why do you wear lipstick? Frieza: ITS NOT LIPSTICK! It's part of my body that makes me look sexy. Right Scarlet!

Scarlet: Of course it does daddy. Guys on our planet are supposed to have black lips.

Frieza: Right!

Scarlet: What's wrong with you people?! Gee... maybe you guys should ask something that won't {bad word} my father off. **Kills the man**

Frieza: **Pats Scarlet on the back** Good job.

Scarlet: Thank you daddy. Okay now anymore unstupefied questions?

(Another Woman raises her hand)

Scarlet: Okay last question.

Woman 2: Are you really a woman disguised as a man?

Frieza:.....OK THATS IT! I'm going to blow this WHOLE PLACE UP! NOW YOU ALL DIE!! **Makes Death Ball and blows it all up**

Scarlet: Unfortunately that is the end of our show... seeing as how my father blew the place sky high.

Frieza: Well, she was asking for it.

Scarlet: Thank you for watching the Scarlet show where my idiotic editors pick the audiences from trailer parks.

Frieza: Good Night all!

Scarlet: Goodnight and thank you for being on my show daddy .**Smiles**