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Frieza Interviews Tein

Hello everyone who is watching this on TV! There is no crowd today because they all tried to leave the show so I put them in the pit. If you turn this off I will hunt you down and make you PAY! Anyway my guest for today is Tein!

(8 different Teins walk out and surround Frieza)

All 8 Teins: Hello Frieza.

Frieza: Ok what the {bad word} I interview 1 Tein not 8 of them! So if I don't talk to the real one I swear I'll kill all 8!

(7 of the Teins disappear and the real one sits down)

Tein: Sorry about that I only wanted to impress you. That's all.

Frieza: If you want to impress me then go and fight Goku and kill him. That would sure as {bad word} impress me.

Tein: I can't do that. He is my friend and I don't go and fight my friends for no reason.

Frieza: In other words your a {bad word}.

Tein: Hey! There are kids watching this show and I don't think there parents would not like there children hearing those kind of words.

Frieza: This is coming from a guy who is dating another man.

Tein: How did you know that? I didn't tell anyone one but......THAT SON OF A {bad word}! I can't believe he told!

Frieza: Now now, I don't think the kids need to hear that now. Sure Yamcha told but, come on he had to.

Tein: Oh shut up! Not like Yamcha got some Chaozu loving.

Frieza: You mean Yamcha had sex with Chaozu?

Tein: Yep that's true.

Frieza: Ok {bad word} that is sick. Ahhhhh just you saying that....

Tein: Sorry. Well, now I have to go and kick his butt!

Frieza: That's right leave. Just go away...NOW!

Tein: Did the interview even start? You really didn't ask me any questions. What's up with that?

Frieza: Um....ok would you live here right now or I would kick your {bad word} would you leave?

Tein: No. I'm not scared of you. Your just some white guy that has problems.

Frieza: Ok that's it! **Grabs Tein's neck and throws him through the roof.** Now you left. Good night all!