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Frieza Inteviews Goten

Frieza: Hello all. Did you think that was it for my show? WELL, TOO BAD!!! I still have ratings so I am going to be here for a loooooooooooong time.

Guy 1: Ah.... man.....

(Frieza blasts his head off)

Frieza: Now that {bad word} is dead we can start the show. (Turns to the crowd to see if anyone going to say anything.)

(Crowd doesn't say a thing)

Frieza: Good now my first guest. He's the all time greatest hero of all. Always saves the day and gets the chicks.... the {bad word}? Who writes this crap?

Writer: Uh me. (raises his hand)

Frieza: (Blast the Writer's arm off) WRITE BETTER!!!

Writer: (Holding what is left of his arm in pain). AHHH MY ARM!!! YOU {bad word}

Frieza: Hehehe anyway where is Goten? Come out you little monkey!

(Roof blows up and Goten comes flying down and walking to Frieza)

Goten: Hello Frieza.

Frieza: Ok you little punk. You broke MY ROOF! You do a stunt like that again I will rip your head off got that!

Goten: Don't talk to me like that. I can whatever I want, I am Goku's son!

Frieza: (Stares at Goten)....K now your point is?

Goten: Don't get smart with me. You think your mister high and mighty. Well, I should...

Frieza: (Back hands Goten to the wall) Ok shut up. I don't need to hear about your dad.

Goten: (Climbing out of the wall) You can't do that to me. I am Goku's son. He will come and beat you up again!

Frieza: Oh shut up and dance (Puts up his finger and shoots beam at his feet). Mwhahahahaa

Goten: (Dancing away the beams) Hay! You can't do that...Ah...eck!

Frieza: Mwaahahahah I am sooo evil. Well, that ends the show.

Camera man: Uh...Frieza...

Frieza: YES!!!!!

Camera Man: You still have 10 more minutes of air time left....

Frieza:.........I uh..........DIE!! **Blast Camera Man's head off** That was close. He ALMOST made me look like an idiot. Now DANCE GOTEN DANCE!!!

Goten: Ack.....stop it!!! I want my mommy! **Starts to cry**

Frieza: Mwhahaahahahah I am so evil.