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Frieza Interviews Chaozu

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Frieza: Hello All!

Crowd: Hello Frieza.

Man 1: I LOVE YOU!!!

Frieza: I'm not gay. GUARDS!

(Two men come out and throw the man outside)

Frieza: Ok. Now that is done let me introduce my guest....

Woman 1: (interrupting) I LOVE YOUR FRIEZA!!!

Frieza: Thank you very much. Now as I was saying...

Woman 1: (interrupting) I WANT YOUR FLESH FRIEZA!!! I WANT YOU AND ME TO BE ONE!Frieza:! Throw her into......THE PIT!

(Two men come out and throw the woman into the pit)

Frieza: Now that is done here is my guest today........CHAOZU!

(Chaozu dressed up like a pimp with two men behind him )

Frieza: Ok what are dress like and who the heck are those two?

Chaozu: Word {bad word}. I'm Gay Pimp Chaozu. These two behind me are my two ho's. You ho's can leave now.

(The two men leave)

Frieza: So you're a Gay Pimp?

Chaozu: Yes, {bad word}. That is what I said. {bad word} man listen!

Frieza: Whoa little man....or! Don't be cussing me out {bad word}. Anyway is it true what Chi-Chi, Yamcha, and Tein have said?

Chaozu: Hell yea! They all asked for it and I gave. You want some of this Big Boy? I know your gay.

Frieza: Ok little {bad word}! I'M NOT GAY! Also you just saying you did that with them makes me sick. Anyway next question.  Is this what you do since you quit fighting?

Chaozu: Yep. After quitting the whole fighting thing I went to what I was good at. Sex baby! So has time went by I became the first ever Gay Pimp and well....the rest is history.

Frieza: That is the sickest thing I ever heard. My god I mean your just a little....mime thing.

Chaozu: Ahhh don't be mean. How about I make you *real* happy?

Frieza: Don't touch me. Don't say that. My god you say something like that I will rip you in half!

Chaozu: Ahhh you know how that makes me feel Big Boy. Come on don't be shy. **wink** **wink**

Frieza: Well, let me think.... **Grabs Chaozu legs and head** how about.... **rips him in half and throws his body parts into the crowd** NO!

(Two women fight over Chaozu upper body)

Frieza: Well, since my guest is dead now that means the show is over. Good night!