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Frieza's Interview

John Bang:Hello all Frieza fans. I am John Bang and right now I will interview Frieza when he gets here.

(3 hours later)
John Bang:ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz.....

(Walls blow up and Frieza comes in)

John Bang:(Wakes up)Well its about time!

Frieza:Shut up. I had to blow up a few planets SO DON'T GET ME MAD OR I WELL STICK THE HORN UP YOUR {bad word}

John Bang:Ok ok well lets start the Interview.

Frieza:(Cuts in) Did you bring the Sour Balls?

John Bang:Um......... I forgot hehehe.

Frieza:YOU WHAT!!!!! WHY YOU LITTLE {many bad words} I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS YOU {lots of bad words} and your mother TOO!

John Bang:(Scared to death) Ok Ok I give you a whole bag of Sour Balls just don't kill me

Frieza:You better.(Starts to laugh)Ahahah it looks like you had an accident ahahahah

John Bang:(Looks down at his pants) Oh um... just forget about that. Now on to the questions. Frieza why did your parents name you Frieza?

Frieza:(Shakes head sadly)You want to know why my parents named me Frieza. BECAUSE I AM A COLD HEARTED SON OF A {bad word} AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY ONE. YOU KNOW FRIEZA; freeze, cold, HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!!!!

John Bang:Um.... next question. Planet Namek..

Frieza:Oh no......(Shakes head sadly)

John Bang:Yes, every one whats to know what went wrong?

Frieza:EVERY THING! I mean I thought it take a couple of weeks to get the Dragon Balls and make my wish. BUT NOOOOOOO every one messed up. I even had ALL 7 DRAGON BALLS but I didn't KNOW NAMEK!!! I don't even want to talk about it. NEXT QUESTION!!!!

John Bang:Ok, a question comes to mine that every one must be thinking. Why are you evil?

Frieza:(Looks at the Camera Man) Did he really ask me such a stupid {bad word} question?

Camera man:(Shakes his head)

Frieza:(Lifts his hand up and blast off a part of John Bang's ear)If you ask me any more stupid {bad word} questions like that you will be missing more then your ear, YOU GOT THAT!? Why am I evil? BEACAUSE I AM THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE AND I WANT TO BE EVIL THATS WHY YOU {bad word}.

John Bang:(Holding his ear)AHHHH GOD {bad word}. Can I get a band aid here? Man what the {bad word} is your problem. Ahhh man I need that ear to you {bad word}. AHHH.

Frieza:(Laughing his butt off)AHahahaha that teach you now next question before you lose you other ear.

John Bang:Ok ok now if you had to start over in your life want would you change?

Frieza:Well, I would have killed Vegeta,Goku, Radditz, and Nappa so that I won't have to worry about the Monekies and I would blow up the Earth. That mostly be it.

John Bang:Ahhh now don't get mad at me for this question. You promise you won't get mad at me if I ask you this one?

Frieza:Ok I promise.

John Bang:Well its more of what I think and the people think. People say you didn't have a chance against Super Saiyan Goku from the start. What was going thought your mind when you were facing him?

Frieza:Hum..... well I won't I have to say...I WANTED TO KILL HIM AND I WILL SHOW YOU HOW(Puts up his hand and blast John Bang left arm off)!

John Bang:(In pain) OH MY GOD! MY ARM!!! YOU {bad words}! I QUITE! I DON'T NEED THIS FROM HIM. OH YOU {bad words for 2 minutes} AND YOUR MOTHER TOO! You said you wouldn't hurt my YOU LAIR!!!

Frieza:Ahaha so what I lied. What you going to do hurt me? Ahahahahaha. I better finish what I started(lifts up his arm and blows John Bang away).


(People shock and running away screaming)
Frieza:(Points to Camera Man) Don't you move I have something to say. Goku, and anyone elas that mess up my plans on Namek WATCH OUT BECAUSE I AM COMING FOR YOU!!! I show you right now whats going to happen to you(Puts hand up and blast the Camera with the Camera Man too.)

Frieza:Ahahaha I rule(Flies away to his ship and waits for people to think of his Interview)