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PingPong Web Productions Mwanza

Web Site Studio

PingPong Web Productions
offers complete tailor made web site solutions (click in the red boxes below for more info):

(FAQ: click here)



First, you need to collect all the information you like to show into a document, like the one you have on your screen right now. 
Our job is to design it.


You'll need to store your web site document on a computer somewhere. This, so-called host server, is then connected to the Internet, worldwide. 
Our job is to "park" your web site on a suitable web hotel.


  Just as you in real life have a home address, so your web site needs an address on the Internet (normally starts with "www." followed by e.g. a company name).
Our job is to register and maintain the address of your choice.


  In order to find what they are looking for in the mass of information, Net users normally use a so-called search engine. There are several companies providing this service, e.g. It goes without saying that your web site has to be easy for anyone to find on the Internet. 
Our job is to register your web address (along with a selection of search words) at the major search engine companies.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ):
Why would I want to promote my activities on the internet? 
The Net gives you the possibility to inform people about you, your products, services and/or mission, regardless if he or she lives down the street or in Alaska. Instead of distributing expensive promotional material, like brochures etc, promote online. Then simply add your www address on your business card etc. Convenient and cost effective.  
Every day, the number of Internet- and computer users is increasing dramatically, in Africa and elsewhere.
All put together, smart marketing is ending up in better results.
What should I put on my web site? 
Anything is possible. Text, pictures, animations, response forms, links to other sites etc, etc.
However, there are some sectors that could be regarded as standard:

WHO ARE YOU? E.g. general info about your history, the people working for you etc.

WHAT DO YOU OFFER? E.g. your products or mission, how you work, why you have a better deal than your competitors etc.

WHERE ARE YOU? E.g. info about how to find you geographically, by phone and/ or e-mail.

How does PingPong Web Productions work to make all this happen? 
Our Web Site Design Studio creates web sites for anyone, although small- and medium size companies and organisations in the Mwanza region is our core business. All the design facilities are situated in Mwanza, close to the client. Our web site design projects always include a couple of customer visits by the designer, totally without middle men. PingPong Web Productions' aim is that these face-to-face discussions will be obtained with a minimum of computer language and a maximum of customer language.
As far as we are concerned, Teamwork is the key word. 
Right, so far so good! How do I get more detailed information? 
Easy. Get in touch with Magnus Elling, our web site studio manager.
Phone: 028-2500403

another web site from
PingPong Web Productions, Mwanza
