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i am waiting on a mountain top for the moment that the sky will strike my apologies are forever lost soon to ashes in a flash of light miles away from me hope is fading soon gone forever its a waste of time my intentions like a sweeter room only bring to me a fading light locked up forever inside i look to the stars and ask why if they could just teach my dark heart to feel all i've saved is thrown away i am waning like a single bloom lost forever in the storm of life i look to the stars and ask why if they could just show these wounds how to heal here i am my last stand and i know for all the rising and falling there's nothing to show
Once we are gone, who is gonna care if we were ever here at all? Well, summer is going to come and it's gonna cloud our eyes again. There is not need to focus when there is nothing that it worth seeing. We trade liquor for blood in an attempt to tip the scales. I think you lost what you loved in that mess of They seemed so important at the time but now you can't even recall any of the names, faces, or lines. It is more the feeling of it all. Well, winter is going to end and I'm going to clean these veins again.
If I make it I'd be amazed Just to find tomorrow One more day and I'd be amazed Just to see it waiting And if I make it I'm still alone No more hope for better days But if I could change Then I'd really be amazed And when you know you can't relate To one more shiny face Your heart breaks No one cares And when you know you can't go on Cause everything is wrong Your heart breaks But no no one's there