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Protectors of nature, guardians of wildlife, they are the ones who will cut off your hand if you purposelessly damage a tree. Druids dedicate and bind themselves to the essence of life, connecting themselves not only to all the races, but to the plants and animals which contain life and always get taken for granted. Born empathic, they often share the pain of all living creatures and strive to remedy their suffering.

Why be a druid?

A druid is best described as a cross between a 'Ranger' and a 'Sage' because of their tie to nature and their wisdom. The difference with a druid however is that they can use magic, and dedicate themselves to the progression and protection of nature itself. If your character is going to be a tree-hugger but doesn't want to have as much direct interaction with others as a Ranger would, or be able to have a little more battle strength than a sage without losing the wisdom, then a Druid is perfect for you. This is a "little of everything" class and can tend to be difficult to keep up with and build, but if you dedicate yourself you can really benefit from having one.

How do they fair in battle?

A Druid can actually be quite a force to reckon with in battle. They don't have as much weapon strength as a warrior would, or as much magic power as a sorcerer, but they can hold their own easy enough with either. Their specialty is using nature to their advantage, whether it is elemental magic, or utilizing their environment for a strategic bonus.

How do they fair in quests?

They aren't path experts like Rangers, or able to translate languages like Sages, but they have many skills that still are found useful on quests. They can recognize animals and plants, and can sometimes communicate with them to get crucial information normally overlooked by most adventurers.

What race and alignment are most typical for this class?

This class has an even mix of races in it, but some of the more common are Myrmidons, Elves, and Lycanthropes. The reason for this is because these races are more tied to nature and some desire to use their existence protecting it since others refuse to restrain themselves in the destruction of the world. Druids feel that there is life or spirit in everything, and that it all deserves the same respect.

It doesn't make much sense for a druid to be evil, but it does happen on occasion when one goes mad over a large loss of nature. Most often a druid is looking for balance, or outright moving with the flow of life and remaining neutral in it. The only time most druid's will take a strong stance on something is when it comes to protecting what can't protect itself, such as forests, rivers, and animals.



Main Class Skills

(Starts unlocked at 90 DL. Invest CP to make stronger.)

Skill Name


Weapons Allowed:

Armor Allowed:

Magic Allowed (1 CP per type):



It takes 1 CP to use any of the following, and each CP invested will increase it.

Camping Knowledge
(Heal 5 LP per CP, each shift slept.)
You are a well-prepared camper and understand eating, hydrating, hygiene and proper bedding are important for being well rested.

If you sleep all 3 and get half your LP back, you also get the LP added from this skill. If the LP is more than your max, you keep that until next attacked or the quest/event ends.

(+1 toward non-attack rolls per CP.)
When it comes to accomplishing things, you tend to have an edge on other people. Maybe the Gods favor you, or maybe it is just lady luck blowing you a kiss.

Hidden Paths
(APT is rolled to locate a hidden path. This gives +1 toward DL roll. If discovered, it is up to you if you share the information with everyone or investigate on your own.)
You have keen perception of things most do not notice. Due to this, you are able to find doorways and paths that are practically invisible.

If everyone in the party is riding, they will cut 1 day off their travel. This means one less chance of an unexpected battle while camping.
If you are riding when you get attacked by an enemy, you get +1 DMG and +1 INIT (per CP invested) for your first attack if your party attacks first. If the enemy attacks on the first turn instead, you will get +2 (per CP invested) toward your roll if you dodge. This skill requires owning a ride-able animal, such as a horse, or being on a travelling vessel.



