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About the show/Manga

Cross Academy is attended by two groups of students: the Day
class and the Night Class. At twilight when the students of Day
Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on
their way to school. Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are the Guardians of
the school, protecting the Day Class from the Academy's dark
secret: The Night Class is full of vampires!

Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to the moment she
was saved from a vampire attack ten years ago. She was adopted
by the headmaster of Cross Academy, and now works alongside
Zero to guard the Academy's secret. Zero Kiryu's family was
attacked by a bad vampire four years ago and he was adopted by
the headmaster of Cross Academy. Kaname Kuran is a kind
vampire who save Yuki from a bad vampire's attack.

With Kaname's help, Yuuki and Zero are able to keep the
world of the Night Class a secret from the day class
Thous, making it possible for peace between worlds

But will it last?


Takuma Ichijou