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Mest *Story Three*
Sunday, 7 August 2005
So How'd You Like The Story?
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Give Up The Grudge - Gob
Topic: My Comment'd you like my story? This was actually the very first one I wrote (that's why it's sort of worse than the others...) But yea, I wrote this one in March, and though I started the first one (ONE LAST MOMENT) in April, I'm still not finished it. Nor am I finished the LAST chronological story. (Summer) But that only takes place if you've read the alternate ending for Spring Break 2 : Road Trip. Am I confusing you?

Chronological Order of Stories:

Read first : One Last Moment
Read second : Billy Ally and Toni : The Beginning
Read third : Mest
Read fourth : Spring Break
Read fifth : Spring Break 2 : Roadtrip
Read sixth : Summer

Un confuzed now? Thought so. lol Anyways, yea.

This is only the third story you've finished reading, so there's more to come!

Hope you read the NEXT Billy adventure,

SPRING BREAK (coming in a bit. I might have to make a new Angelfire site for it...)

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:28 PM EDT
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Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: I'm Lost Without You - Blink 182 (6 minutes long)

{Next Week.}

"So...Billy, how're you feelin'?" Toni asked, one morning.

"Like shit. But I'll make it."

"Oh, you say that everyday..."

"So? 'S true"

"Of course it is."

"Well...can we go to the mall now, Tone?" Ally interupted.

"Well, I guess so, provided Billy wants to....?"

"Neh" Billy said and sank back into the pillow.

"I miss the old Billy!" Ally said over-dramatically.

"Me too. Billy, please get better...For me?" Toni said, pouting. "Billy, I'm worried about you. Get better."

"Fine...I'll get up." And guess what? He actually managed to get out of bed. He fell in the process, works. And so, they went to the mall, and they bought stuff. The End.

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:20 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 7 August 2005 11:21 PM EDT
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Mood:  happy
Now Playing: I'm Lost Without You - Blink 182
Topic: Chapter Nine

Ally heard Toni call down the stairs. "Ally, Billy's sick!"

"I know!" She had called back up, but then, for some reason, she knew something was wrong. And at that moment, she ran full speed up the stairs. Then she almost ran into the door... "Is everything okay?!"

"No, it's not okay. Alexandria, Billy threw up..."

"Oh, Ewww" Ally shuddered, "And how dare you call me by my first name?"

"Ally, you're not helping..." Toni made a face.

"Sorry, but...Ewww"

"Ally! Could you help me clean it up?"



"Fine...What about him though?"

"He'll be fine."


Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:17 PM EDT
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Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Stockholm Syndrome - Blink 182
Topic: Chapter Eight


"What's wrong, Billeh?" Toni asked.

"I'm cold."

"Put a shirt on." She suggested.

"Could you...get me one then...?"

"Yea, sure" Toni walked over to the closet on the other side of the room, and opened it, revealing all the size 14-kids black t-shirts, and ripped jeans that haven't been washed for a while. "Ew, do you ever do the laundry...?" Billy shook his head. "'kay..." She randomly grabbed one of the t-shirts-the one that said West49 on the front in bloody letters-and pulled it off the hanger. "Here" She handed it to him. Then, realizing that he couldn't properly put it on himself, she took it back, and put it on for him.

"Thanks" He smiled, now shaking.

"Still cold?"

"Fuck, yea..." He frowned.

"Here, I'll get you a hoodie." She went over to the closet again, and found a, yet again, a black hoodie, also saying West49 on it, and helped him put it on.

"Thanks" He said again.

"You warmer now, baby?" She asked, sitting down beside him on the bed and putting her arm around him.

"Yea, but could you do me a favor?" He asked. She nodded.


"Could you like, not call me baby? That's a chick name. I'll be called chickdude for the rest of my life!"

"Fine then. Chickdude it is." Toni giggled, and Billy coughed. Billy coughed again. Billy coughed a third time.

"Billy? You okay?" Toni asked worriedly. She rubbed his back in a circular motion. He coughed and leaned over, so his head was almost touching the beige-pants rug. "Billy...?"

"...I-I...Toni..." He coughed one last time, and threw up. The beige rug was now...Rootbeer colored...actually it was more chunky Rootbeer, but...okay, Ew.

"Ewww...Billy, Ewwwwwwwwwww....." Toni totally grossed out, but then she realized it wasn't helping anything, and resorted to comforting a now crying Billy instead.

"Billy....are you...okay?" No answer. "Billy?" Still no answer. Well, there was his hyperventilating, buuuuut... I'm sure that wouldn't count as actual conversation. "Ally!" She called. "Ally, Billy's sick!"

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:15 PM EDT
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Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Stockholm Syndrome - Blink 182 (it was still playing taste of ink last chapter)
Topic: Chapter Seven

Billy woke up around seven o' clock the next morning.

"Hey, guys?" He blinked, confused. "Toni, Ally?" He struggled to sit up, not working very well, because the fever had made him weaker. He coughed. "Guys?" No answer. "GUYS!" It took all his breath to yell that. Incase you were wondering, Ally and Toni didn't fall asleep in Billy's room. Infact, they had left his room so they wouldn't wake him up, and fell asleep in the computer room, on the floor.
Still, no one answered Billy's call, partially because it was seven am, and partially because they were in the basement. Billy's room happened to be on the top floor. So Billy, realizing that they weren't gonna answer him, attempted to get out of bed to find them. And he was successfull. In failing, that is. And besides, he was cold. He still wasn't wearing a shirt. "Brrr..." He tried getting up one more time, but this time only succeeding in sitting up. He was dizzy, and the room was all topsy-turvy. So he let his head fall onto the faded blue pillow case again. "Ow..." He grabbed a book because he was bored, but yea, he couldn't read in because his eyesite was blurry-ish. "Guys..." He started tearfully. "Guys, come ba-a-ack..." He closed his eyes and cried softly untill he fell asleep again.

It was around noon now, and Ally and Toni were in the kitchen finding ingredients to make breakfast.

"Well, d'you think we should go check on Billy now?" Toni asked, opening a cupboard to try and find some cinnamon.

"Yea," Ally replied preoccupiedly, rummaging through the pantry. "Can you pass me the honey?" She held out her hand so that Toni could put the squeeze-bottle in her palm. She did. "Thanks. Now let's go" They went out of the kitchen and were now climbing up the stairs to Billy's room. Toni opened the door.

"Billy?" She walked inside, closer to the bed, and shook her boyfriend. "Billy, you awake?"

"" He rolled over so he was facing Antoinette. "Hey girl!" His face lit up, he looked happy to see her, though his face was still flushed, and his eyes barely opened. But still, he looked delighted. Toni smiled back at him. "What's wrong...?" He asked her.

"You..." Was her answer. His face fell.

"Me? What, you wanna breakup or something, 'cuz I can do that..." A single tear fell from his Rootbeer colored eye. His left one. "Yea, I'll break up for you..."

"No, no, no...Billy, it's not like that. What I meant, was that you're sick. And that's wrong." She lifted up his tear-streaked face with her red-nailpolish clad fingers, and wiped his tears away with her other hand. "Billy, don't cry. It's okay. I don't want to break up. " Billy leaned his head on her shoulder and kept on crying. "Billy, stop. Billy, I love you..." That sure perked him up.

"Really...?" He asked, his expression hopeful and pleading. Yet again, I use that expression..."'Cuz I...I love you too..."

"Really." She assured him. He smiled, and leaned in for a kiss, which turned out into a make-out spree, as Toni fell ontop of the bed, which means she fell ontop of him...

"Uh, guys, please...Toni, he's sick. You could catch something, and then I'd have to hang out with Thorn and Ari." Ally butted in. But of course, no one acknowledged her, as well, they were making out. "Well, this is happy..." Billy only stopped for enough time to say, "that's my line..." And then they continued again. Ally then left the room to find more random ingredients to make breakfast, well actually, lunch.

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:13 PM EDT
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Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Stockholm Syndrome - Blink 182
Topic: Chapter Six

"Well he dead or asleep?" Toni randomly asked.

"Well, seeing as we can hear him breathing, rather raspily I might add, I'm guessing he's either alive, or that's his ghost breathing...What do you think?" Ally said, cocking her head and raising her eyebrow in a sarcastic way.

"Alive." Toni said. "He's asleep. I hope he's okay. Should we, like, call his mom or something?"

"His mom's dead, Toni." Ally stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh." Toni said.

"...He's living with Brittani Rangel's mom..." Ally continued.

"That popular blond prep in 9th?" Toni inquired.

"...Yea, and Brittani, her mom, and his bitchy sister are..."

"I know where they are!" Toni interupted. "They're on a vacation to a Caribbean spa for like, a month and yea...Billy obviously didn't want to go...I still don't see why Mrs. Rangel let him stay here, I mean, he's not responsible enough to remember his homework, and she thinks he's responsible enough to stay home alone with no supervision for a month?!" She went on.

"Well...maybe she assumed he'd stay at one of our houses...?" Ally thought out loud. "Or...yea" She went and sat down on the ratty beige rug. She looked down so she was facing the rug. "Ew. His rug reminds me of the beige pants. Ewwww"

"That was like, really random..."

"Yea, I know...Can we burn them?" She asked, cocking her head.

"I thought we did..."

"Yea...I think we did..."

"I just said that."

"I know.."

"I know too"

"I know you know"

"I know you know I know you know..."

"I know you know I know you know I know you know you know I know...."

"You like totally mest up on that..."

"I know"

"I know too."

"I know you know..."

"Let's not start this again..."

"I know" And they went on like this for quite some time, giggling and such, and not even waking up Billy. Pretty soon they got bored of all the 'I know's' and yea, they stopped and just sat there staring at eachother for quite some time.

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:11 PM EDT
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Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: The Taste of Ink - The Used
Topic: Chapter Five

"Well this is happy..." Billy said, an hour later as he was lying in his bed.

"Billy, please don't start that again" Toni sighed. "I thought we went over this before"

"Ptehh..." Billy replied, his head crashing back down onto the pillow.

"And I thought we went over that too...No ptehhing" Ally added in. "So're you okay now?" She asked.

"Mmm..." He replied, closing his eyes. Then he coughed.

"I hope you're not coming down with something..." Toni opinionated. "...'Cuz I'd really like to kiss you again" She blushed, and Ally kinda made a noise between a giggle and a deranged grunt, but no one could really determine which. So it was left at that. You couldn't really tell if Billy was blushing either, you know, because his cheeks were flushed from his fever. He groaned, and kindof rolled over.

"Aww," Toni said, and put her hand on his forehead. "He's still hot." Ally gave her a funny look.


"Of course he's hot! He's like, really hot...Why didn't he ask me out...?" Then she blushed, and looked down, realizing that she'd actually said that out loud.

"Not that hot, Alleh, " Toni sighed and rolled her eyes at that. "I meant hot, like, temperature...he's burning up," Her speaking rate became quicker and louder.

"Whoa, jeez..." Ally backed away from Toni. "Calm down...sorry."

"Do you wanna like, get me a wet facecloth or something? I mean, I don't want him like, burning to death..."

"Yea good point..."

"Ally!" Toni sounded urgent. "Get it now!" Her eyes got wider as she spoke, er...demanded. Ally backed up towards the door, her face showed no emotion whatsoever. She opened the door to Billy's bedroom, and dashed out, singing the lyrics of 'Hold On' to herself. Well actually, she was humming them, as she rarely actually sings the lyrics unless the song is actually on. And it wasn't. So yea, Ally was humming 'Hold On' to herself as she closed the door of Billy's bedroom. She walked into the bathroom and rummaged around the closet place for a facecloth. She found one-an olive green one-and turned the tap on, running her hand under the cool water, making a splashy-ish sound, which seemed to calm her, as she wasn't singing 'Hold On' anymore, and her breathing was slowed to normal. Then she stalked out of the bathroom, and then, taking her time, back into Billy's bedroom.

"Hey, I'm back." She said simply, her voice monotoned. "Here" She handed the sopping facecloth to Antoinette, who folded in in half, and-very gently- placed it on Billy's burning forehead, pushing his tree trunk colored bangs back before.

"Here Billy, this'll make you feel better."

"Mmk" He replied, but he said it so that it was long and drawn out, making it sound more like an "Mmmm...'kay...".

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:10 PM EDT
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Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Apple Shampoo - Blink 182
Topic: Chapter Four

"Oh my god! Wow, you can see his ribs...he's like, really skinny....Eww."

"More like Anorexic" Toni commented.

"Ewww" They said in unison, then laughed out of pure worriedness.

"'Kay, so should I go get some water or something?" Toni asked Ally.

"No, I'll go get it" Ally answered. "You wanna stay with Billy don't you? After all, you are going out." She pointed out.

"Yea, good point. I'll stay. You go. Be quick" Toni shooed Alleh out of the room.

When Ally got back, Billy was slightly awake, and his head was in Toni's lap. Toni was stroking his hair back. She looked up when she heard Ally close the door behind her.

"Who's that...?" Billy asked, his voice was really quiet.

"Ally" Ally introduced herself.

"Oh..." Billy said. "My head hurts..." He frowned in pain. "Owww...."

"Aww, Billy..." Toni said, a note of tears in her voice. Billy started coughing uncontrollably. It went on for about a minute.

"...Do...Some...thing..." He said inbetween coughs. "...Ow..."

"Here. Billy. You're choking. Have some water" Ally thrust the glass in Billy's face, and he grabbed it in an instant. Toni burst out laughing. "Tone, it aint that bloody funny" Ally said, skeptically.

“No…but…yea…” Billy was still coughing.

“Billy…you’re s’posed to drink it…” Ally said. “I didn’t give it to you so you could hold it.” Billy took a small sip of the drink, and stopped coughing.

“..T-thanks…” He said, and laid his head in Toni’s lap again. “I’m not coughing anymore.” He said.

“Wait for it…” Ally said.

A minute passed.

“’Kay, no, he didn’t cough.” They all laughed. Well, except for Billy. He just smiled.

“Billy…?” Toni said skeptically.

“Yeh, Tone…?”

“I-I love you..” She blushed like Tanis again.

“Uhh…Love you too, babe…”

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:07 PM EDT
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Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Freak Out - Avril Lavigne (Still)
Topic: Chapter Three


"Well than..." Billy said, looking down at Toni, who was now in his lap. "This is happy"

"Billy!" Toni suddenly exclaimed.



"Don't wat?"

"Don't say this is happy" She glared at him. He looked taken aback, and moved his body away from his new girlfriend.

"Fine then." He glared back at her, and they started laughing.

"Okay then..." Ally commented and rolled her eyes.

"This conversation is going nowhwere..." Billy said, sighing. He sounded rather depressed. Toni looked up at him.

"So, what's up?"


"Myah?" She looked at him questioningly.

"Yes, myah. " He said rather matter-of-factly. He sighed again and put his head on her shoulder.

"Toni, you're squishing me." He whined. "Get the hell offa me!"

"Billy!" She screamed. "That's no way to talk to your girlfriend!" Toni lectured him. He hung his head in shame.

"Aww, it's ok" He grinned all evillish.

"1...2...3...." He counted

"Wait for it...." Alleh said.

"PTEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Toni got up off of his lap and scrambled away.

"Billy, NO ptehhing." She pointed her finger at him. Ally also did this.

"No" She said, which sounded really amusing, and caused them all to laugh hysterically.

"Pt-pt-ptehhh....!" Billy said inbetween laughs.

"No...!" Ally and Toni said at the same time.

"French Horn!" He randomly screamed out, leaving Ally and Toni perplexed.

"Um...?" Ally said, now straddling the chair. "French horn?" She blinked.

"Yea" Billy said, shrugging it off. "French horn..." He said it all sad-like though.

"Billy...?" Tony said. "You seem pre-occupied. Is something bothering you?"

"Meh..." He shrugged it off. And yes, I used that again.

"You sure?" She inquired, sounding rather concerned. He looked back at her with his sad eyes. She gave him a weak smile and he returned the favor.

"Yeh" He said, not really meaning it. "I'm sure I'm okay..."

"Okay.." Toni said skeptically.

"I'm not okay! I promise! I'm not o-fuckin'-kay!" He suddenly just-fell into her arms, and started sobbing. Surprizingly, she could actually hold him up, seeing as he weighed 95, and her, 115.

"Whoa, Billy. You're kinda light. Do you ever like, eat?" Toni said, surpised. He had grown quiet, and was now kindof limp in her arms.
"Billy?" She pushed him off, and he fell to the ground. He just lied there. "Ally!" Toni called, realizing the truth. "Ally, Billy fainted!" Ally turned around on the spinny chair, and got up, rushing over to the scene of the crime.

"Billy?" She kneeled down beside him. "Tone, grab me a pencil, will you?" Without question, Antoinette got a pencil from the jar and handed it to Ally.


"Thanks" Ally poked Billy's rather bony chest with it. "Billy. Hey, Billy. You alive?" He didn't move. "Guess not." She felt his forhead next, pulling her hand away quickly. "Hot. Let's take his shirt off" And that's wat they did. The attempted pulling his shirt off...and succeeded.

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:06 PM EDT
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Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Freak Out - Avril Lavigne
Topic: Chapter Two

Billy was still struggling to get his words out.

"Oh, Billy, just get to the point" Toni said, rolling her eyes. She knew it could take a while, because Billy had trouble with this sort of thing.

"Fine. Toniwillyougooutwithme?" He said it real fast, so it was barely understandable. He was kindof backed up against the corner now, his shoulders slumped down, and his eyes pleading and his expression hopeful.

"Aww, he's shy" Ally commented.

"What?" Toni had to ask twice, because she didn't understand him the first time he said it.

"You're so dim, Tone, he just asked you out!" Ally almost exclaimed, smiling, because she was happy for Antoinette, and also a bit mad , because she was jealous of Billy liking Toni instead of her. But then again, she always had Erik...but wait, he was going out with Chantal.

"What? Did he...?" Toni looked back at Billy, again, giving her a hopeful look, which seemed to be pleading her to say yes. "Billy?" She said, her voice only a whisper. He looked ready to be rejected. "Billy, It's a yes." His face broke out into a huge smile, and he pulled her into a hug, which caused Ally to go 'Aww' again.

"Toni, I...I love you?" Billy said it rather more of a question, than a statement really, which perplexed Toni for a short period of time.

"Is that a question with a correct answer...?" She smiled, questioningly. His hand magically drifted to her ass.

"Yea." He said, smiling sexily. "Yea it is."

"'Kay" She said. "In that case, I love you too" There goes that sexy smile of Billy's again. "Wait, is your hand on my ass?"

"Yeap" Ally said for him. "It is decidedly so" ^_^ Toni gave him a look.

"Billy!" They both said at once.


"No ass touching!"

"'Kay..." He said sullenly, looking rather forlorn. Toni and Ally giggled.

Posted by vamp2/thetasteofink27 at 11:04 PM EDT
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