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My First.
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My Chaotic Life.... In Words.
Thursday, 8 September 2005
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: A radio. I guess.
Topic: My First.
Well. Hey. This is my first entry on my website, and you know what? I'm speechless.
Yeah, don't get used to the words "I'm speechless". You won't hear it very often.
In fact, if I ever say that again, I give you permission to go "OMFG! SHE'S SPEECHLESS! IT'S A BLOODY MIRACLE!"
Ok, now you got that down, what to talk about. Hmm. Not sure.
I guess I should tell you about myself.
My name is:
*pause for effect*

Psych! Yeah, right. You think I'd tell you my name??

Ok, jk. Well, I'm not, but, yeah. Anywayz.

I LOVE anime! Inuyasha, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Fruits Basket, Chobits, D.N.Angel, Noir, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Vandread, Street Fighter 2, Pretear, Princess Tutu, Full Metal Panic, Demon Diary, etc.

You get the point? (You: *nods, wide-eyed*) Whew! Good. Was worried about you there for a sec. ^.^'
As you can tell, I don't just love anime, I'm obsessed with it. If I could stalk anime, I would, lol. Sadly, I cannot. (Which means I can't pet InuYasha's ears!! :( COME BACK INU!!!!)
Hehe!! ^.^'
Yeah, so, I also have a very sarcastic nature (you: No, duh!!) -.-''
Umm.... I love Evenescence, and Green Day, and Hoobastank, and Ryan Cabrera, and stuff like that. Sometimes Kelly Clarkeson.
Jeez, I don't know what to say, lol. I mean, it's not like many ppl are going to read this, but, watvr.
I love fantasy beyond all reasons. Dragons, unicorns, magic, etc.
Music is my life. It's also a career choice of mine.
Cooking.... Is not for me. I can't use a toaster without it catching on fire.... -.-' (You: KLUTZ!!)
Oh, and I have a major test tomorrow.
You can guess what that means.
Yeah, you got it.
I'll update this laterz, I guess.


Posted by vamp2/gratia_in_chaos at 8:55 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 September 2005 9:09 PM EDT
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