The scene fades in from black as the view is of a now newly assigned cameraman to handle the duties of the Sickness promo. This cameraman is in his late 20’s wearing a backwards ball cap, blue jeans and a black EUW staff shirt. He is sitting out front of the Sickness home in the parked company van with his hands gripped firmly on the steering wheel. He eyes are fixated on the road in front of him. His arms begin to shake violently from gripping the wheel so hard and tight. A blank expression comes across his pale white face as he releases the wheel with his right hand and takes a hold of the keys that are still in the van ignition. He turns the van off and pulls the keys out of the ignition as sweat begins to run down the sides of his face. He slowly lets go of the wheel completely and then slowly reaches across his body with his left hand to unbuckle himself from the seat. He does so and lets the seatbelt go across his body and back to its original position. He sits in the driver’s seat still seemingly stunned by what he has been asked to do. He lifts his left hand up and opens the driver’s side door and proceeds to exit with that same expression on his face. He holds the keys in his right hand as he grabs the door with his left and shuts it with a soft but assuring thud. He shakingly walks over to the side door of the van. He fidgets with the keys a bit before finding the right one and then drops the keys right in front of his feet. This is apparently the trigger that sets the cameraman off as he starts flailing about screaming and cursing right out in front of the entire community. He throws his arms up and down and begins to stop his feet on the ground. After throwing his tantrum for about a minute or so the cameraman calms down and tries to regain his composure. He takes a few deep breaths in and then one final big sigh before bending down and picking up the fallen keys. He grabs them and a couple blades of grass as well with his right hand and then stands up while picking the blades out. He then searches for the right key again and this time quickly locates it and then walks up to the side door. He puts the key in and turns it, unlocking the door. He pulls the handle and slides the door open with relative ease. He reaches in and grabs the only case that is right in front of him and lifts it up and out of the van. He walks a couple of steps and then places the case on to the ground, the cameraman bends down to open it up. He unlocks the case and lifts open the top part to reveal a quite expensive camera the EUW has just recently purchased. He lifts it out of the case and then places it on the ground next to him; he shuts the case and locks it again. He gets to his feet with the case in hand and then walks back over to the van. The cameraman then places the case back where it was and grabs the handle of the door. He flings the door shut and walks back over to the camera. He bends down and picks it up carefully off the ground. He straightens up and then slowly walks up to the entrance of Trent Sickness’ yard. He lowers his head and takes a big sigh before continuing on in the yard. He takes each step very cautiously not knowing any of his surroundings or what lies ahead of him. He begins to shake his head as he makes his way up the walkway towards the paver pathway that leads to the backyard. He continues shaking his head possibly questioning his reasons for accepting the assignment he has today. He gets to the end of the walkway and then turns and continues his saunter up the paver pathway. He walks up the pathway and get to the side of the house where he hears the sounds of someone hammering, he pays no nevermind to it and continues on. He walks all the way up the side of the house with his head still lowered but no longer shaking in disapproval. The cameraman turns the corner to get to the backyard of the Sickness home. He walks across the yard up to the stairs that lead into the basement. He gets right up to the front of the entranceway of the stairs and stops. The cameraman stands there seemingly still second-guessing his decision. He takes in a huge breath of air and then begins his decent into the basement. He lets the air out as his feet touch the first step and he begins to lift the camera up onto his shoulder. He descends the 8-step staircase once careful step at a time and as he gets closer to the bottom the hammering becomes louder and louder. The cameraman finally reaches the bottom, he then reaches up with his left hand and turns the camera on. He then stretches out his shaking left arm towards the door; he slowly pushes open the door. He opens the door fully and takes a look around first before entering the noise filled room. He walks into the room slowly and begins to scan the scenery as the full effect of what he’s gotten into has finally sunken in. The cameraman walks even further into the room as the hammering has stopped for only a second, then kicked back in quickly afterwards. The cameraman sees than all over the room are several piles of sawdust and woodchips. Big pieces of cut wood scattered over the entire floor. The cameraman is puzzled by the scenery but continues on in as he also continues scanning. He looks around the room and as he gets halfway through the room to his left is he, The Sick 1 himself, hammering away at a sight that completely stuns the cameraman. The cameraman zooms in on the big wooden casket that has been built by Trent to the exact T of the figure the Gabe Newell has but only a foot longer. The cameraman’s jaw drops as he moves in closer to the casket building. Trent hammers a few more nails into the bottom left edge of the casket before dropping the hammer into the casket and looking up at the cameraman. Behind Trent is the 7’6 inch lid that had been sanded down and been placed against the wall with the bottom part facing towards the cameraman. Trent then drops the bag of nails into the casket as well; it crashes with a rattling thud. He wipes his hands together as if to get the dust off and he then turns to his right and walks over to a folded up chair that had been leaning against the wall next to the lid. Trent grabs it and walks it over to the casket; he unfolds the chair and sets it on the ground. Trent walks to the front of the chair and takes a seat as he begins his promo.

Trent Sickness: I have waited for this day for far too long. Finally a one on one match where I won’t get screwed over. A one on one match where nobody will interfere and cost me what means so dear to me. A one on one match where I can finally bury you Gabriel, bury you and this feud once and for all. Since May Gabriel you have been a pain in my ass and now this Sunday I end it. For months I have fought you and lost, fought you and lost, fought you and yet still lost. But what you fail to acknowledge Gabriel is that the only thing that was helping you win was your punk bitch life partner, Jannety. He has helped you for the last time Gabriel, because come this Sunday there will nobody to back you up I promise you that. I know that I have said that before Gabriel but I never meant it as much as I do now. There is no possible way that this Sunday Jannety will come down to that ring and screw me over for the fifth time, and do you know why that is Gabriel? It’s because I nearly ended his pathetically wasted life at Suicide. He had the balls to step into the ring with me for a second time and he almost paid for it with his life. You can ask him yourself when you go to visit him in the hospital with a handful of flowers. Hopefully he’ll advise you to walk away from your funeral and die another day. Because now that I hold the EUW World Heavyweight Championship, there is not a force on Earth or in heaven that can take it from me. Oh and Gabriel don’t even try to get hell to back you on this, because like I told Nicholas Fudge, I am El Diablo personified and there‘s not a damn thing you can do to stop me. Fudge thought that he could beat me; he thought that he could defeat the most dominant wrestler in the history of professional wrestling, and look at what happened. I nailed The End Of It All and it was lights out in the Fudge Factory. But what happened? What cost me the match? It Was You Gabriel! Your cheap shot to the back of my head was the Last Fucking Straw! For all the times you’ve cheap shotted me, for all the times Jannety has cost me the match against you, and for the times that I obviously should have just shut you the hell up, this Sunday I put an end to it all and an end to you.

Trent turns to his right and reaches into the casket. He pulls his arms out to reveal that he has the EUW World Title in his right hand. Trent turns back and faces towards the camera again, he then throws the World Title across his right shoulder and continues on.

Trent Sickness: Take a good long and hard look at this title Gabriel. Because this is the only way that you will ever see it, over my shoulder or around my waist. There’s no a person alive that can defeat me and take this title from me, especially not you Gabriel. As long as there’s a single breath in my lungs I will never allow you to hold this title. You cheated me out of it the first time we met and if you had just been honorable about it, you would’ve lost decisively, no question. I refuse to allow such a thing to happen because you were a disgrace to this title and I’m the only thing that makes it as desirable as it is today. You call yourself ‘The Rising Star’ Gabriel, your star becomes a shooting star this Sunday as when you step into the ring with me it begins to plummet it’s way back to Earth. It’s a damn shame that you have a ego as big as the universe and yet a brain the size of a pile dog shit. Gabriel I feel for you, I always have, but now I just pity you. You’ve become weak; I admit that when we first met in the ring, it was a bit tough, only a little bit. But as time progressed you became more and more soft. I figure it’s from every single beating I gave you inside of that ring before your life partner Jannety got involved and screwed me out of finishing the job. It’s terribly sad that within a matter of a couple of months that a ‘Superstar’, haha.... excuse me, such as yourself Gabriel could take so many beatings and become the weak and pathetic piece of shit that you are now. But I willingly take the blame for your downfall; I might have been a tad bit too harsh on you’re by beating you senseless week in and week out. But Sunday when I roll this casket down to ringside, and step into the ring and see you standing across from me, I will feel no pity. No pity for you, no remorse for what I will do, and no fear of you r Jannety’s potential interference. I feel only one thing come Sunday and I can explain it pure and simple in one word, Hate. I hate you Gabriel, there is no love-loss between the two of us and I expect nothing but the same from you, only in a way weaker attempt. I’ve hated you ever since you’ve joined the EUW, and I will continue to hate you as I bury your pathetic carcass in the cold damp soil.

The Sick 1 stands up out of the chair and turns his back towards the camera. Trent grabs the back of the chair he was sitting in and moves it a few feet away from the coffin. He lets go of the chair and takes hold of the Title that had been laying on his shoulder. He takes it off and then proceeds to lay it across the seat of the chair. Trent turns to his right and walks a couple of steps up to the coffin. He bends over and reaches inside to grab the hammer and bag of nails. He picks them up and pulls them out as he stands up straight. He drops them at his feet and then takes three steps to his left as he walks up to the lid. Trent grabs both side of the lid and carefully lifts the heavy piece of wood up. He slowly sidesteps his way back over to the casket and proceeds to carefully lay the lid on top of the casket. He moves it a bit to let it fall into it’s groove and lets it sit atop the coffin as he turns back towards the chair. Trent walks over to the chair and reaches down to pick up the title off of the seat. He lifts it up and then grabs the back of the chair again. He slides it back over to where it was before he moved it the second time and then walks to the side of the casket. Trent lifts the title up and sprawls it out over the middle of the coffin. He turns to the camera and scoffs as he walks back over to the chair. He pulls his pant legs up and takes a seat to continue his promo.

Trent Sickness: Gabriel, what you just saw me do is exactly how easy it will be for me to close the lid on you at Hourglass Hours. It is the exact way I will do it as well Gabriel, I will first close the lid on you and then lay My World Title across the middle of the casket as I roll your body to it’s final resting place. What you fail to realize Gabriel is that at Hourglass Hours, not only will I be closing the lid on you but I will also be closing the lid on your career, no, I will be closing the lid on your life. Because after Hourglass Hours there will be nothing left of ‘The Rising Star’, all there will be is another body for the compost heap. I will do exactly what I say I will do because I am a man of my word. When I said that I would win the World Title, I did. When I said that I would destroy Jannety and all other comers, I did, and when I say that I will bury your worthless body into the coldest piece of Earth I can find I will do it. Gabriel you will not beat me Sunday, you will not come anywhere close to defeating me, and you simply have one job to do at Hourglass Hours. That’s to have your ass handed to you and then have your body rolled away inside of this coffin. I have hand crafted this coffin to your exact figure Gabriel, and I figure that mahogany is a good color for you to be buried in. I’ve made it just a foot longer so that you can rest there nice and snug for all eternity. Because there will be no escaping my wrath this Sunday and there will be no escaping your demise. You are destined to fall to me at Hourglass Hours Gabriel and there is no changing that, no matter how hard you have to fight to change that. I am simply better than you Gabriel, I always have been and I’ve never needed assistance to help me prove it. Say all the words that you want Gabriel; say every single word that you can muster because those will be the last words that you ever address to the public in your measly little life. Like I said Gabriel, this Sunday at Hourglass Hours I will retain enclose your worthless body in that casket, I will retain My World Title and then I will roll your carcass all the way to it’s final resting place. This will be the final promise that I ever will make to you Gabriel, Quote The Sick 1.... Evermore!

With that Trent leans over in the chair and lowers his head, which cuts his face out of camera view. The still stunned cameraman can’t believe what he has just seen. Every single word spoken by Trent still ringing in his head. He blinks for the first time in a long time and his eyes begin to burn from being refreshed. He lifts his left hand up and wipes his eyes hoping to calm the burn. He slowly gets up from his crouched position and moves the camera from Trent Sickness over to the handmade coffin. The cameraman walks slowly over to the coffin to get a better look at it. He starts at the bottom of the lid and continues to move up it. He slowly walks moving the camera view from the bottom of the casket to the middle of the casket where the EUW World Title lays. He continues to move upward and finally as he get to the top of the lid, words begin to appear. They are seemingly burnt into the wood and are fully made out as the cameraman stops at the top of the lid. The words read out “R I P Gabriel Newell”, the view of these words stay for a good 2 minutes before the camera finally fades to black.