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something's coming

right, well. things have changed about here. sorry to our dear, non-existent readers. but there's an overhaul coming. why? because the mistress is the only one to ever contribute to the site, and she hasn;t done any real writing in a long time. and the shows are over. they live on in the mistress' heart, but she's moving on. to other things. she's also debating what to do with this site now. the major option is to begin posting her lj stories on here, once they're done. along with the work in progress handbook. and you may wonder why the mistress is the only one mentioned. that's because the mistress has laid full claim to the site, as she's apparantly not talking to a member of the troika that was. there's now no reason for that, except for what appears to be a lack of interest on the other person's part. not that the mistress wants to really deflect blame, but she's ready to be friends, but if said other troikee doesn't want to bother, then fine. it's sad. this is what i'd feared all along, but now it's really happened. i guess. so, the site as it was is dead. there are no more links. there won't be for some time. not until i have things up. like a photo gallery. and other stuff. that's all for now...---the mistress