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Poem By: Jennifer Chiasson


the wall surrounds me
it's safe and warm
lonely yet true,
it stays away
from the chemical
emplosions that
you all exist today
with your extremes
that you need to
survive, yet die


except for the same
species of course
and the pain surges
of guilt to that punishment
which is carried out
in an act of friendship

I understand....

I'm sorry....

The wall will never burn again
no precious of mine
shall be turned to ashe

Do you understand?
tell me, for I do
And the oracle shall speak
from the very depths
of the atom existence
in which it has
been embedded.

Sometimes the gift
to see is quite
and to be blind,
would still not
prevent the signs
or the sights
or the knowledge.

lonely truth
I understand and I wait
I don't subject
I don't need
nor crave
your chemicals

But I do crave
your punishment
because without
there would be

in oblivion