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Hello my public of cyberspace, it's your favorite non-yahoo chat room buddie but if I was a loser like that I'd be a bot. I hope you have a happy time here touring my website, I'm sure you won't but I'd like to think you will.

I'm going to attempt to read up more on "HTML" and whatnot, so my website[s] [here on angelfire and on myspace] will kick ass. And not well suck but I'll still tend to try to make up funny shit if at all possible.

To make others laugh at my expense or otherwise, but I'll try to update it as much as I can. Between shitty work and school and friends it might be hard but I shall do my best or attempt too fix it up. Enjoy!! Yours Truely, The Meat Hand Coach

Other Meat Hand Pages of Sweat

Meat Hand's Links Page

Meat Hand's Info Page

Murdock Dog of Death
