You asked for it...
You got it !

Mom and Dad said "NO CHIPS", and put them out of my reach on the dining room table. I had other ideas...

What am I doing with that HAND?!? Shocking !

No, I didn't grow up next door to Laura Ingells Wilder... I was in a 1800's fashion show !

Nice and messy...just how I like it !
(L to R: me; my sister, Maurya [sounds like Gloria])

I'm the little one... (Clockwise from me: Me, Maurya; My brother, Sean; My Mom, Edie; My Dad, BJ)
Dig those 70's, man!

Christmas Day in Costa Rica... Sweet !
(L to R: me, Maurya)

I have a collection of photos with me doing this... and it has been said that I have not shut it since.
No comment.
(L to R: top row: Mom; My paternal grandmother, Teresa; Dad; Sean: Bottom row: me, Maurya)

The only demure photo of me in existence.
(L to R: Maurya, me)

"Your shirt is all wrinkily... pull it down..."

We are standing in front of one of the houses that was used in the movie "The Sound of Music". Remember when they all fell out of the boat and came up to the house dripping wet? This is the lake and house where they shot it ! Salzburg, Austria. (L to R: me, Maurya)

13th Birthday was a surprise party, hence the "You got me!" look on my face.

I went back and visited my old friends in NY... they were still in school... we were out for the summer... ha HAH... (me in pink, duh)

I know you can't see me... but who cares ! Its sunrise over the Dead Sea in Israel.

Teenie me... amazing view. The Medeterrainian Sea with Tel Aviv, Israel in the background... a truly breathtaking sight !

"There she iiiis, Miss Whateeeever "
My high school graduation pic.

This is a pic of my Dad and me.
Can you tell which one is which?

At my friend Sarah's wedding.

I celebrated my birthday in Arizona... and was sick as a dog. That's why my nose is red. No, really ! I swear !!!

My sister and her bridemaids at her bachelorette party [early in the evening, you don't want to see the rest...]
(L to R: Michelle, me, Cindy, Maurya)

A collage... a PLETHORA of pics...I'm in 3 of them... lets play where's Waldo...umm...Erin...