Here are some cool sites that you may wanna check out :


Poke the Bunny
You know you want to. Go ahead. The bunny likes it.

Black People Love Us
Really. They do. You can see it in their faces.

Find the Spam
Very fun, but difficult game. You could search for beware.

Optical Illusions
This will make you feel like you are on drugs. Trippy, man.

The Onion
The famous tongue-in cheek online newspaper. Very funny.

Grudge Match
Who would win in a fight? Samantha from Bewitched or Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie? Forrest Gump or Rainman? A Rottweiler or a Rottweiler's weight in Chuihuahuas? Read all the play-by plays. They are no longer doing fresh bouts... but hit "history" (at the bottom)for all the archives. VERY funny!

Myers-Briggs Test
Take the Myers-Briggs personality test and gain insight into your personality. (I'm an INFJ now, I was a ENFJ when I was younger)

The crystal ball will read your mind. Spooky...

Snowdays: Create Your Own Snowflake
It's oddly comforting... and the possibilities are endless!

Albino Blacksheep's next version of Windows XP
Gotta push everything ! (uses flash)

Decimal Birthday
Calculate how many days old you are and when your next 1000 day birthday will be.

Famous Objects from Classic Movies
They give you a silhouette and you guess what movie it's from. Not as easy as you think!

The Anagram Genius
Enter your name (or any words you like) and find out a bunch of anagrams for it. Like : "George Bush" equals "He bugs Gore" and "Madonna Louise Ciccone" earns "Occasional nude income"

Boy the Bear's Age Gauge
Enter your birthday... and it instantly tells you how old you were when... movies came out, songs were on the charts, TV shows premiered, history happened. Very cool !

Drew's Script-O-Rama
A plethora of full movie and TV scripts to read or print. You'll find yourself saying "Oh, that's what they were saying !!"

President Dubya ("...more and more of our imports are coming from overseas.") just has a way with words. Here are some of them. [*note: The old link,, was very funny, but it looks like the site no longer exists. I like this new link... but the tone is less "Funny Ha-Ha" and more "Be afraid, be VERY afraid"]
A huge resource for dumb humor. My favorites are Dumb Laws, Dumb Signs, and Dumb Criminals.