"Where's a camera when you need one?" Well, these people had one. Just click a link to see these wacky, funny, silly, or just plain stupid pictures.

Well, that's a fair price... Not surprisingly, it was voted best place to live in the USA... ...but I live in Cumming ! Single Male Kangaroo, 34, sensitive, likes sunsets, walks on the beach... Did we mention that polar bears can't read?...
Now if we could teach them all how to do that... He probably died of embarrassment. "Well, THIS is different !" Yeah, I think I figured out the problem... "Which way did he go, which way did he go?"
We're not SURE, though... Truth in I-VI You people just have dirty minds, that's all !!! It's SUPPOSED to be a secret !!! Well, that seems obvious...
Yeah, that's gonna sting a bit in the morning. Bad hair days... Now THAT'S an aptly named sponsor ! And Dr. Muller thought they couldn't learn sign-language... "Only the dog knows for sure."
"This is the BEST park EVER !!!" Sister Ann is a dirty old bird. "Just a little to the left..." But, why him? "OK, know the routine !"
Just sound it out... "Well, THAT doesn't sound very good..." You've got to admit, it would be pretty hard to find it otherwise... Ya know, I think they just might mean it... "Next week on Jerry Springer..."
Never should have asked Literal Larry to join our carpool... Not even if I ask nicely? But it was a good decade for MUSIC... They just start younger and younger... Thanks, we'll need it.
Actually, that explains a lot... Why it's often the youngest child who ends up in therapy: It finally happened What were my choices again ? Maybe so, but I sure wouldn't advertise it !!!
Now, that's just WRONG... With luck like that... Inflation really IS out of control ! "Beat it, willya kid ?!?" He THOUGHT that the scary theme music seemed out of place...
Why Mr. Whiskers is now myopic. I know there's a joke here somewhere... Because real men DON'T eat quiche... Ah yes, that timeless choice... Yes, but I said I'd do it when PIGS fly...
A squirrel and his nuts. And all he had before was a case of the crabs... Well, that was the whole point... Would it surprise you to know that it was owned by men ? She's VERY popular down at the VFW...
Why we need unions. Resistance is Futile... The definition of 'self-confidence': And they were just about to get their 30-day chips... A sign for the intellectually-impaired...
And while you're at it...teach this guy, too A really bad font choice Yeah, cuz that would be bad... Your tax dollars at work... Funny. I didn't even think that they got 'Sesame Street' on Easter Island...
I haven't seen it sold so openly (or so cheaply) since the 60's... Heads are gonna rool... "I just don't like the looks of this guy..." Lying down on the job... What skill ! What talent ! He'll go far...
Yeah, but do I get dental? "'Hey, buddy ! Watch where you're putting that thing !'" Well, that's a little harsh... The orange jumpsuit kinda gave it away... I might have missed it otherwise...
But, where do the females cross? "I do not think that means what you think it means..." She will TRULY be missed... Her mother was so was a clean pair. So THAT'S how Easter Eggs are made !!
Oh, yeah... NOW I'm in the mood !! Truth in Advertising part VII Yeah, he WISHES !! !! So, let me get this want me to go 2 miles PAST there ?!? FIN !