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anime names

This is all I know

anime's that i got links for

gundam wing
battle angel alita
bio hunter
cowboy bebop
dragon ball z
vampire hunter d

if any one has any more anime shows or any good sites to any of them just e-mail them to me! thanks bunches! e-mail~~~~~ ok they wont let me put any more up top so here's the rest of the one's i know~~~~~ Striker Steam Detectives Tenchi Muyo No need for Tenchi(aka Pretty Sammy) Strain Card Captor Sakura digimon *twitch* slayers slayers next Record of Lodoss Wars Escaflowne *eeee* kiki's delivery service monster rancher oh my goddess nadesico Outlaw Star Pet Shop of Horrors *lubs* Pokemon *twitch* Silent Mobius Twilight of Dark Master Wicked City lupin the third kikaider cyborg 009 aslo from what ive read and stuff Sonic the Hedgehog is an anime so i think thats all i know of ok peps start giving me things to look up while im getting these sites together!