Seifer's Zell and Tifa Songs

(The image above was made by G-Man. Give him the credit.) Anywho, Seifer heard about Tifa and Zell's site, so he got all into the music. Actually, the main reason he decided to help out was because he likes Tifa... but that's not important! So he wondered what the fans thought suited the two "musically". In his opinion, the Chicken Dance suits Zell.... lol. So if there's a song out there that reminds you of Zell or Tifa or Zell/Tifa together, send 'em to me!

Tifa Songs

Beautiful and awesome songs that remind me of our favorite heroine

Tifa Songs

Zell Songs

Some really cool and upbeat tunes that remind me of Zell. Sadly, there are none right now, but I'll see what I can find! ^^