Zell and Tifa Clones and Lookalikes

Vincent's such a sweetie, even under all that darkness. He decided to help out his old buddy and her new boyfriend by putting up a Lookalikes/Clones page. Wasn't that nice of him? If you have any clones of Zell or Tifa, feel free to send them to me! You know my address, but just in case you don't:


Thanks and enjoy!

<bgsound src="http://www.tijira.net/videos/download/uninvited_final1.WMV">

Tifa Lookalikes/Clones

Rinoa Heartilly: Not only do the two look alike in many ways, they almost have the same name! (Lockheart/Heartilly). There are many ways Rinoa and Tifa resemble one another. Rinoa has Tifa's optimistic spirit within her that gives the group an upbeat attitude. I also admire Rinoa's dedication for what she tries to accomplish. Whether it's trying to help those around you (even if it's a one-sided battle) or trying to save the world when all odds are against you, she continues to pull through 'till the very end. Her loving side is another part of Tifa. Her love for Squall is similar (I'm going off the fanfiction part and to the gaming part for a brief moment) to Tifa's love for Cloud. Both women knew their love interests since childhood, both males are the anti-social, lone-warrior type of hero, and strangly enough, both couples have a strange connection of romance through either a shooting star or a starlit night.

Another thing I (and Shuu from Cetra's Disgrace) have noticed about Rinoa is a bit of Tifa's style. Look at Rinoa's clothing, it's somehow sexy in a way with the slit and all in her blue dress, but there's black short beneath it. It's not Rinoa's style to do something as daring as open her mid slit in a way wherein people might get a chance to look at the undergarment beneath. It's like Tifa in a way, since Tifa's skirt goes up to the middle of her thighs. You won't be able to see her undergarment unless you go under her, which you can't even if you tried, lol. Rinoa comes from Final Fantasy VIII.

Princess Garnet Til Alexandros 17th: When I first played this game, Garnet was my absolute favorite female lead in any game I've played. FF9 was my first Final Fantasy, so I went on the web to look for the previous FF's before this one, and I came across the character artwork for Tifa. I was so surprised when I saw how much she resembled Garnet! Basically I noticed this throw the hairstyle, which seriously freaked me out (thought that Tifa and Garnet where somehow related before I found out about the alternate universes in FF). Strangly enough, the two women weren't really alike in personality, but there were some shades of Tifa through Garnet. As I said for Rinoa, she'll pull through until the end, even if it's a one-sided battle. Like Tifa, Garnet isn't as open to her feelings as many females, and doesn't flirt as much. Also, she tends to be a bit shy around the man she loves (oddly enough, both women seem to have a love for blonde males). She also has a respectful dedication to her kingdom, to her friends, and to completing her journey as Tifa does (minus the kingdom part). Also notice that both of their hometowns were destroyed during the time of their youth. So quite frankly, Garnet is one of the best Tifa-clones out there. She appears in Final Fantasy IX.

Yuna: Actually, I think Yuna is more of a Garnet clone, what with the two being summoners and having short hair, but I did notice a ray of Tifa through this cute little girl. She's a mature and dedicated person, willing to pull through until the end, as long as she has her friends beside her. Her optimistic side and will to help those in need (regardless if they are her close friends or people in the world) comes from Tifa as well. And if you take a look at the picture and examine her facial structure, I'm sure'll you'll see a bit of Tifa's appearance (espcieally the bangs coming diagonally across the forehead). And they both (as Garnet) seem to have an interest in blonde males... lol. Also, if you take a look at Yuna in FFX-2, you'll see she's picked up a bit of Tifa's old clothing of a pair of shortshorts (I know Tifa wears a skirt, but you know what I mean) and a white tanktop, plus she doesn't rely on a rod as much as she used to. Although it was kind of hard to see at first, you now notice the ray of Tifa through Yuna. She comes from the game Final Fantasy X

Kairi: Many people consider Kairi as an Aerith clone, but I highly doubt that. Kairi resembles Tifa's character in many ways, so we'll start off with her outfit. A white top (even if it's not belly-showing) without sleeves, and a pink mini-skirt. I'm sure Tifa's Amano artwork was what passed through the artist's mind while designing Kairi, 'cause if you noticed, her design was in shades of pink and red. Another thing I noticed was Kairi's bangs (like Yuna's, Garnet's, and Tifa's) that are diagonal across the forehead. Plus, did you notice that she's the popular girl on the Destiny Islands, who's surrounded by boys like Tifa was in Nibelheim? Kairi secretly likes Sora as well (and both women seem to like guys with spiky hair). Like Tifa, she believes in her friends strength. She was always trying to keep a smile on her face. There were also scenes with Kairi that were similar to scenes with Tifa in FF7. One like that scene at the beginning when Kairi and Sora are talking together alone reminds me distantly of the scene at the well of Nibelheim. At the end, there is a point in time where Kairi is reaching for Sora, and the ground beneath her is rapidly going away and Sora tries to save her-- just like where Tifa reaches for Cloud and the ground breaks from underneath her. (but she goes away ). Another of when he uses the Keyblade on himself to unlock his heart. And when he's falling into darkness, he said something about hearing Kairi's voice or something like that. And when he turns back into Sora and not a Heartless, he and Kairi are holding onto each other. It's like Cloud and Tifa when they were in the Lifestream, and Tifa's running around and she's lost, and then after the whole memory thing, she finds Cloud. And then at the Highwind, she says "I heard your voice calling" and he says, "Yeah I heard you calling me too" something to that effect. So she really does resemble Tifa in many ways rather then Aeris, and that's practically all the info you have to know about the newest addition to the Tifa clones. Comes from the game Kingdom Hearts.

Rose: Yes, I know she's not from Squaresoft, but I did notice a strange resemblence of Tifa through this character. Personality-wise, they are both independent, mysterious, and hide their feelings. Rose had a hard time talking about her past love with other people. Rose somewhat resembles a small amount of Tifa's appearance, like the bangs, almost the same hair color (there are times when Tifa's hair resembled a shade of black) and facial structure. Both have a heartshaped face, pale-toned skin, and almost have the same style of clothing, what with that miniskirt. They also seem to give guidance and support to their "blonde, spiky-haired" main characters too. She comes from the game, Legend of Dragoon

Shana: Shana, although very annoying and much of a damsel in distress, does resemble Tifa in her own special way. Although not much in appearance, she does carry Tifa's dedication and spirit towards the party in the game. She and Dart lived in the same town since childhood, as Tifa and Cloud had in their game. In her human form, she dons a small resemblance to Tifa's wardrobe with shortshorts and a white top. In her dragoon form, the shorts are replaced with a miniskirt, a pair of gloves, and a stomach-showing white shirt. Although I consider her mostly a Yuna clone, I can still see a bit of Tifa through Shana. She comes from Legend of Dragoon along with Rose.

Zell Dincht!: While not in appearance (I certainly hope not!) Zell has a lot in common with Tifa, which is what caught his eye when he first saw her. Zell and Tifa have the same fighting style with fighting gloves. He also has a few of Tifa's Limit Breaks (Punch Rush, Meteor Strike, Dolphin Blow, and Final Heaven). He has an upbeat, optimistic attitude, as Tifa does, and will never give up a battle or lose hope for his friends. Zell appeared in Final Fantasy VIII.

Sandra Bullock: Just by looking at this talented, beautiful actress, you can see both Tifa's appearance and character within her. She's got that tomboyish, rough attitude but can still look sexy and beautiful in each movie she plays in. In facial appearance, hair color and styling, Sandra Bullock is a great Tifa lookalike. She was submitted by my dear friend Sapphire Rosales (sapphirer@earthlink.net) and has appeared in movies like Miss Conginiality and Practical Magic.

Kidd: Not only has Tifa possibly been an inspiration with her looks to the Final Fantasy heroines, she's also inspired a few Chrono Cross females to take after her, one of them being the leading lady, Kidd! The first thing you would notice about Kidd and Tifa's simularities would definately be the outfit. Both Kidd and Tifa don a mini-skirt and a white tanktop (only Kidd wears a vest with hers). Another would sort of be their personalities. Sometimes Tifa can be a bit bossy (she's still human video-game wise, people. She's not perfect) espcieally when she's concerned for her safety as well as the people around her. But the two have really upbeat spirits (in Kidd's case, REALLY upbeat) and always tends to cheer up the others. Also, she even managed to save Serge's butt from drowning like Tifa pulled Cloud out of the Lifestream, something to the effect. Kidd appears in Chrono Cross, along with the next two girls after her.

Leena: Leena is a bit off from all the Tifa clones, but still, nonetheless, I found a ray of our favorite heroine through her. Like Cloud and Tifa, Serge and Leena were childhood friends and lived in the same village together. Also like Tifa, her and Serge made a promise to each other, and when the two are sitting at the beach at the beginning of the game, (look at Kairi's bio) I was reminded of when Cloud and Tifa were in Nibelheim when they made the promise. Also, Leena tends to be a bit bossy at times like Kidd and Tifa, and even has a hard time revealing her feelings toward Serge. Strangly enough, a few people tend to disagree with me when I said that there was a little bit of Tifa in Leena, but this is what I think, so they can believe what they want. Leena, also with Kidd, was in Chrono Cross.

Orlah: The two are really sweet girls, just about anybody with enough sense could see that. And they both work at a pub, and try comforting the ones that they care for (like Tifa does to Cloud, Orlah does the same for Doc). And the two fight with their gloved fists, making an even greater resemeblance between them. And I'm not sure, but I think that the two wear mini-skirts as well. So Orlah is a great Tifa clone, and I was surprised to see someone similar to Tifa like Orlah is in Chrono Cross. This blonde bombshell comes from Chrono Cross along with Kidd and Leena.

Mary Jane Watson: Although not in appearance, Mary Jane and Tifa are both shockingly similar in many ways. The two are sweet hearted, and somewhat shy girls. Also, like Tifa, Mary Jane learned martial arts, which sort of saved her butt an indefinate amount of time that sometimes makes me wonder if she threw herself into danger for Peter to save her. XD. Mary Jane and Peter were childhood friends, and Peter had a huge crush on her and watched her from afar, much similar to Cloud's position in Nibelheim when he and Tifa were children. Another thing is the sort of "love triangle" in the comic and movie, only unlike the one in FF7, the love triangle is two guys and a girl. Harry Osbourne was like Aeris, Peter was like Tifa, and Mary Jane was like Cloud (don't worry, it'll make more sense). You see, Harry knew that Peter liked MJ, but he purposes to her, goes out with her, and all that other stuff behind Peter's back and sometimes even infront of him. But MJ follows her heart and stays with Peter, even though he's always been shy around her. Also, at the end of the movie, Peter and Mary Jane are holding onto each other and dangling from the bridge reminded me of when Cloud and Tifa are dangling from the cliff of the crater at the ending FMV. Another thing that reminds me of Tifa through MJ is that she tends to be a bit bossy at times, but she pulls through until the very end. Mary Jane Watson appeared in the Spider-Man comics and movies as the female lead and hero's love interest.

Marla Sokoloff: I've only seen one of her movies, but her character didn't seem to suit Tifa at all. But if you take a good look at her, you'll notice that she is a very beautiful girl who plays both innocent and at times humorous and even scary. She sort of resembles Tifa, just with an innocent glance she gives in her pictures, much similar to the looks Tifa gives. Marla appeared in Dude, Where's My Car? along wiht Seann William Scott where he even played as her boyfriend! (Zell/Tifa!)

Lara Croft: Possibly one of the most obvious of Tifa clones. Both women have long brown hair, pale skin, and (according to 99.9 of the FF7 male fanbase) big chests. Anyway, both women are very athletic and at the same time, very beautiful. They are both very optimistic and athletic women, and have the males goin crazy over them and the women looking up them as role models. Chances are if the two were to confront each other, it would be one hell of a sight to see. Lara Croft is the heroine from the popular Tomb Raider series... not like any of us knew that, right?

Lenne: I recently started to play Final Fantasy X-2 because my friend had returned from Japan, bringing the Japanese version of the game with him. I was surprised to see the simlarities between Lenne and Tifa shockingly as much as I could see a few similarities between Lenne and Yuna. She has beautiful long brown hair and beautiful brown doe eyes, almost like Tifa's (at times I saw a shade of brown in Tifa's eyes, but they ARE crimson). The two are almost dressed the same as well. Lenne wears a black miniskirt and a sleeveless top that shows her belly. Another thing I notice about Lenne's similarities between herself and Tifa are also their love interests. Both Lenne and Tifa are voices of reason, because both Cloud and Shuin are head strong warriors that tend to be overprotective by the ones they love. Just a few words from both Tifa and Lenne can calm their lovers' down. Strangly, when Lenne and Shuin embrace during a time in the game, it sort of reminds me when Cloud and Tifa are holding each other when Tifa falls from the cliff, but sadly, Lenne's story doesn't end so beautifully. But when Shuin wanders the Farplane searching for Lenne, it reminds me of Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream when they were searching for each other... that's what I believe anyway. Lenne comes from Final Fantasy X-2 along with Shuin.

Trinity: I was surprised to see how much Trinity and Tifa resemble each other. See, Trinity was really shy about telling Neo her feelings for him in the FIRST Matrix. She didn't avoid him, often looked out for him. Then when Neo was getting his arse kicked by Smith, he was plugged into the Matrix, about to die 'n all. Trinity admits her feelings for him, like Tifa did when Cloud was in his little coma thingy. Then in the second Matrix, they're still together and fighting 'n all. Then Trinity starts falling from this building after getting shot in the chest, and Neo catches her, like when Cloud and Tifa were on the cliff. Then in Revolutions, Neo leaves the group to go to the machine city, and Trinity comes with him. And before they leave she says, "Just tell me it'll be okay, and I'll believe you." like in the Highwind before you face Sephiroth.
However, Trinity's not all that optimistic, and often doubts herself. Neo's more of the optimist who believes he can accomplish the stuff and gives her some hope. Trinity stays by his side along the way and will go through hell just to help him. Like in Revolutions, this one asshole tries to persuade Trinity to kill this one lady in order to save Neo. Trin just pulls out a gun and points it at his head, and all of his goonies aim at her and her buddies and she says, "Give me Neo or we can all die, right here and right now." or something similar to the effect. Another was the last scene they shared together, but I'm warning you, this is a serious spoiler for all who haven't seen Revolutions. You have been warned:

"Trinity. Trinity. . .You can't die. . .You can't, you can't." The blinded Neo said.

They made it. They were at Machine City, but at what cost?
Neo was next to his love. His Trinity. She was impaled, and stabbed by rods. There was nothing he could. He couldn't save her this time. He would have killed to see her one last time. He would of done anything to see with his eyes. To cry for her.

"Yes I can." She said.

She was going to die. She knew it. She embraced it.

"You brought me back once, but not this time. Do you remember? On the roof after you caught me, the last thing I said to you?" Trinity continued.

"You said you were sorry."

"I wish I hadn't. That was my last thought. I wish I had one more chance to say what really matter. To say how much I loved you. How grateful I was for every moment I was with you. But by the time I knew what to say what I wanted to, it was too late. But you brought me back. You gave me my wish. One more chance to say to you what I really wanted to say. Kiss me. Once more. . ."

And if that doesn't sound like Tifa on the bridge when Cloud fell off the reactor and into the Church in Sector 5, I don't know what does! :P

Zell Clones/Lookalikes

Tidus: In terms of looks, Tidus and Zell are very similar; both possess blue eyes and unpredictable blond hair frames both of their faces. But the similarities don't end there: both Zell and Tidus have very similar personalities. Tidus is optimistic, which is most apparent with his strong desire to solve the primary issue despite not understanding the girth of it. Zell does the same, knowing that what Seifer and Ultimecia is doing wrong and knowing that they must be stopped, but not entirely sure what the their plans are or how he and his other buddies tie into them. Although I seriously HATE Tidus, I do see a bit of Zell in him. Tidus comes from Final Fantasy X.

Shuin: The only thing that's similar to these two is that Shuin has blue eyes and blonde hair (like Zell) and most of his loved ones are dead. Another thing is their quick tempers and violent reactions when something bad comes up. Other then that, it's all in appearance, baby. Shuin comes from Final Fantasy X-2.

Zidane Tribal: Both characters are very happy-go-lucky, optimistic, and somewhat on the laid back side. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes, and are very emotional and at times, easily angered. They are also very protective around the people they care for (how Zidane's protective around Garnet, Vivi, Eiko and Freya and how Zell's protective around Rinoa, Squall, Quistis and Selphie). I like both characters and love their simularities. Zidane comes from Final Fantasy IX.

Seann William Scott: LoL, I seriously love this actor and love how he resembles Zell in so many ways. The two are humorous and lovable characters, often looked to as the comedians of the group. Even many of Seann's characters in his movies (Stifler, Wayne, Chester, etc) all resemble a bit of Zell's hilarious, hyper, happy character. Seann William Scott has appeared in many motion pictures such as Evolution, American Pie and Dude, Where's My Car? to name a few.

Wat: (he's the redhead on the right) A hilarious yet lovable character, Wat is another one of Zell's clones. He's often looked down upon from Chauncer as Zell is by Seifer, but he sticks to his friends and manages to make it through the tough spots any way he can. Also, the two have a nasty temper and a mean set of fists, making a very, VERY great Zell clone. Wat appeared in one of my favorite motion pictures: A Knight's Tale.

Tifa Lockhart!: Although not in appearance (I certainly hope not) Tifa and Zell do have a special simularity. Zell and Tifa have the same fighting style with fighting gloves. She also has a few of Zell's Limit Breaks (Punch Rush, Meteor Strike, Dolphin Blow, and Final Heaven). She has an upbeat, optimistic attitude, as Zell does, and will never give up a battle or lose hope for her friends. Tifa appeared in Final Fantasy VII.

Brad : When I first watched the cartoon on Nickelodeon, I couldn't believe that the first thing that came to my mind when I looked at this guy was Zell. I mean, just look at him! The two almost have the same hair (only it's different colors) and he's usually the laid back, cool type of guy that always stays true to his friend. Both Zell and Brad are very creative and adventurous boys who look up to their buddies (in Brad's case, he looks up to Jenny like Zell looks up to Squall or Cid or even his grandfather). I noticed that Brad's face is somewhat similar to Zell's as well! He comes from the cartoon, "My Life As A Teenaged Robot"

Any requests?

Did I miss anybody here? Send a picture, give a reason why, and tell me what game/movie/anime etc. they are from!

I'll be waiting! ^^