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My Site the second

Whipped by the wind, Standing outside your door. Pondering, whether to enter into your privacy. To bring my problems to yours, and hope that together, We can overcome them all. But that is wishful thinking, And I’m not a wishful man. So I let go of that wish, that thought. What good will come of union? Death together, after life as one? Is that thought enough for an eternally binding bond? That door is a key. Whether to Heaven or to Hell is unknown. I dare not use it, for fear of what might happen. An internal inferno, crossed with a suicidal asassination. I cannot comprehend how this choice can be made. Either for love, or for life. I cannot do this, or… am I being deceived by my own mind? Tricking me into believing that I cannot perform at what I usually could accomplish? I step away from the door, the key, the portal. It is not worth the ceaseless doubt, only to decide upon this seemingly simple matter. Yet I step again, and twist the knob. I finally step inside… But you’re not here.

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