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Character Creation/Membership

Contact : Euan Walker (

Description :   Those unfamiliar with the family often mistake it's members for those of a more traditional Toreador line, as it is a very traditionalist line of Malkavians who have fought the "madness" prevalent in modern Malkavians.  Largely from what is now Albania, the Pasternacs have spread around the world since the intervention of NATO forces in Kosovo and the subsequent bombing of villages surrounding the family estate.  The line has produced several Clan Heads, and been instrumental in the selection of others around the world.  Whilst far from the most numerous of Malkavian blood lines, it's membership has made it one of the more influential.  It is most notable for being a line of completely "sane" Malkavians, and a repository for a disproportionate number of those who did not fall to the madness of Dementate during the week of nightmares.

Acceptable Generations : 8th - 11th

Benefits and Detriments of the Lineage

Entry points for Backgrounds : 

Pasternac come from two groups: bred, and discovered.

Requirements and Considerations for play within the Pasternac Line

Common Merits, Flaws, and Other Characteristics

Approval : Each prospective member will be examined by several members of the line.  Traitor concepts, and non-standard family concepts would have not have survived the ages, and so aren’t allowed into the lineage in game.  The Pasternac's are firm believers in culling the weak.

Dominate/Dementate: Whilst madness swept the rest of the world, many of the line of Pasternac held their madness in check, and retained it's powers - Including the line's progenitor. 

NOTE: Any information on this page is considered OOC and may not be used in IC game play. This page is available for the players as a tool to help them connect with the Pasternac Lineage to unify the game and provide tie ins for players. Any misuse of this site in regards to information presented here will be dealt with accordingly