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~Fabulous New Orleans~

It is my hope that by creating this website, you will find the wonderous and splendid city of New Orleans so hard to resist that you will be packed and ready to go by the time you've finished reading. I have laid out some links below to wet your whistle and get you started on searching for the things you'd like most to do. Go ahead- I'll add anything you like here at this site to help with people's travel plans.

I have also put together some fun things I think you'd love to see and do. I find myself craving some of this place's unique treats as I sit and write here. I'd almost kill for a cheesy sandwich from Cafe Angeli on Decateur where you can sit and watch the world go by at a more than comfortable pace while sipping lemonade. Or even some authntic style pizza from Cafe Roma only a little further down the street. In that same stretch is the liquor store, many colourful characters abound in these parts, but the selection and quaint 'general store' feel of the place is inviting. This is where I found Absinthe and Vampire wine for sale and intend to buy a lot more here than on last visits! Across the street is the French Market- also not far from a lovely Indian store with bargain prices. The French Market not only offers fresh produce and still-warm pralines whichever way you want them, it also houses a huge flea market with beads, jewlery and original artwork. Of course, if you still have room, there's Cafe Du Monde waiting to stuff you with cafe au lait and sugar-dusted beignets... this is where the Vampire Lestat would come before dawn to warm his hands around a hot cup of coffee. I'm nearly drunk with desire to get there so I'll leave you with this... New Orleans never sleeps- you can eat at Angeli's 24/7, dance the night away on Bourbon or relax in a haunted guest house. Perfection!

what to do? where to go?

new orleans online

xenoprobe's x-files fanfiction

welcome to the hellmouth
Disclaimer~ The photos on this site are respectfully borrowed from other sources on the net. This site is for personal use and no money is generated by its use. The photos are not reprinted or reused for profit of any kind.