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Vamp's Personal Petpet Shoppe

Want to be your own Petpet? Of course you do! Neo_Vampyre_Slayer* is willing to take a picture of you, shrink it, and turn you into your own Petpet! And you don't even need to send in a picture of yourself, he'll make a petpet out of anything! For example, this is his pets Personal Petpet.

Neo_Boogers has a Petpet!!

Old Guy The Cool Old Guy (very old)

For a small price of 1,000 np, he will make you not only one, but three of your own personall petpets. Petpets are 500 np each, so a three for 2 deal is a great offer!

Please remember, he will not keep the HTML for a long ammount of time. You must get the HTML, and put it into Your Pets description, if you lose that HTML, it will cost you 250 np to recover it.

Also remember that, this is only for the Shadows of the Forest guild**. If you are not a member you can join by clicking on the banner. (Note: Joining SOTF, getting your Petpet, then leaving, will not be tolerated. Anyone that has left with a personal petpet will have that image taken off of the website so it will not be seen again.)

*All request must be sent through Neomail, pictures must be sent through e-mail. E-mail him at

**You need to remember that you can only join one guild at a time.

© Neo_Vampyre_Slayer