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 About Me and This Site


This is some of the basic information on me.



Name: Rebecca McCurdy

Nickname: Becki or Midnight

Gender: female

Hair Color:  dark brown

Eye Color: blue and yellow, sometimes green

Favorite color: black, midnight blue, blood red, maroon

Languages English, little Japanese and German, pig Latin

Occupation: student, 10th grade, um, part time writer

Music:  All kinds really, but I've been on a country and techno, and Queen of the Damned soundtrack, and Staind

Food: oi! Mint chocolate chip ice-cream and chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream....*drools* ice-cream.....

Literature: I LOVE fantasy…. Read other things, right now im like 2/3 thru a Stephen king novel and the same with the Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice ((my attention span as of lately sucks...oh butterfly...opps sorry im back)) but I still Love fantasy….

Expressions: ‘whoosh’ ‘eyebrow goes up’

Hobbies: reading, writing

Philosophies:  "Our lives are better left to chance... we don't need to think about 'what might have been' or 'what could happen'... live now, live for today..." "sometimes you start to wonder if life is really worth living"

Favorite clothing, why:  a pair of jeans and either a baggy shirt, or tank top…so in other words anything comfy, and usually of dark colour

Jewelry:  5 or 6 of my fav, and only necklaces, a bracelet I took from a friend and string usually on my wrists, oi, and my anklets

Where do I live:  Las Vegas, Nevada

Most important person (s): ewww....people...gomen.... my sisters, and these couple other dudes, and if you don’t know who you are, your worse off then we all thought….they just….rock!


And I totally hold nothing against the sites im subscribed to...but this is for all my stuff. a place where i can just ... yare.